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Re: Erb816's Road to the Oscars Congrats! Round 11 (FINAL)
SO: Beau Daniel James Scheinert
SO: Debbie Evelyn WangDD: Nelle Shufen Scheinert-Wang
- DH: Miguel-Ángel Sebastián "Miki" García Pineda
-- DS: Santiago Daniel "Santi" García Scheinert-Wang
-- DD: Isabela Victoria "Bela" García Scheinert-WangDS: Jamie Nuri Scheinert-Wang
- DW: Apolonia "Pola" Scheinert-Wang, née Wójcik
-- DD: Lena Alicja Scheinert-WangDS: Lowen Idris Scheinert-Wang
- SO: Charlotte Meera Leifer
-- DS: Melvin Shyam Leifer
-- DS: Nelson Selig LeiferDS: Reed Ji-Min Scheinert-Wang
- SO: Bhavana Bo Bhatia
-- DS: Ravi Logan Scheinert-Wang
-- DS: Rohan Beau Scheinert-Wang
-- DS: Indra Cole Scheinert-WangDD: Hana Taryn Scheinert-Wang
- DW: Lakshmi Kanakala
-- DS: Rexford Surya Kanakala
-- DS: Valentine Raj Kanakala~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa
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