Re: Count-Along and First 3 Letters Create-a-Class (7th Grade)
in reply to a message by BlueOcean123
Teacher: Jane Dawson
Student Teacher: Robert Callagan
Student 1: Cora Porticus
Student 2: Francesca Bawyer
Student 3: Kaitlin Donelly
Student 4: Alastair Montgomery
Student 5: Killian Horman
Student 6: Marcus Saraji
Student 7: Gianna Quade
Student 8: Valentine Gonzales
Student 9: Sage Tang
Student 10: Joseph Sharmoa
Student 11: Madden Flor
Student 12: Theodore Ahmed
Student 13: Paityn Yamatuko
Student 14: Eliot Mollod
Student 15: Kaiden Goldberg
Student 16: Gabrielle Juarez
Student 17: Mitchell Caprio
Student 18: Rafael Uehara
Student 19: Jon Tsorof
Student 20: Harley Dudley
Teacher: Jane Dawson
Student Teacher: Robert Callagan
Student 1: Cora Porticus
Student 2: Francesca Bawyer
Student 3: Kaitlin Donelly
Student 4: Alastair Montgomery
Student 5: Killian Horman
Student 6: Marcus Saraji
Student 7: Gianna Quade
Student 8: Valentine Gonzales
Student 9: Sage Tang
Student 10: Joseph Sharmoa
Student 11: Madden Flor
Student 12: Theodore Ahmed
Student 13: Paityn Yamatuko
Student 14: Eliot Mollod
Student 15: Kaiden Goldberg
Student 16: Gabrielle Juarez
Student 17: Mitchell Caprio
Student 18: Rafael Uehara
Student 19: Jon Tsorof
Student 20: Harley Dudley