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Re: Create a Class
Brook Jeremy Samson
Georgi Dean Tomkinson
Mary-Esther Primrose Little
Eben Charles Freeman
Eleanora Palmira Harrison
Aidan Levent Cants
Zhen Audrey Lim
Bai Matthew Lim
Emilea Elise Dawson
Rowan Clémentine Grant
Abram Isamu Zingia
Irina Michael Richards
Robin Lucas Morgan
Sage Elisabeth Matterly
Lavender Ellen Matterly
Neo Thorne Patterson
Liza Liana Quinn
Cyprus Jourdain Green
Katya Nesrin Jonty
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling

This message was edited 6/4/2006, 2:35 PM

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