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Re: Create a Class
FN: Ocean
MN: JohnTomkinson
FN: Yuri
MN: DanielLittle
FN: Elissa May
MN: DaisyFreeman
FN: Eric
MN: ChristopherHarrison
FN: Abigail
MN: JuanitaCants
FN: Michael
MN: MackenzieLim
FN: Yun and Zhou
MN: Elisabeth and EdwardDawson
FN: Amily
FN: AddisonGrant
FN: Ashton
MN: CamilleZingia
FN: Aaron
MN: HiroshiRichards
FN: Isabella
MN: ViggoMorgan
FN: Cassidy
MN: CarlMatterly
FN: Lake and River
MN: Abigail and AnnabellePatterson
FN: Jaiden
MN: TeranceQuinn
FN: Eliza
MN: LianaGreen
FN: Oliver
MN: MatthieuJonty
FN: Ekaterina
MN: Emine
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