Fantasy congrats KUY (3/10)
Round 1:
Round 2:
Hello, again I’m thoroughly enjoying the stories, sorry for any delays I am trying to get all of these out before Christmas though!
5 years have passed since round 2:
(Skip this if you’re not including story elements)
1. A family member has been sent off to get married to a foreign/ a royal that lives far away, unfortunately this family member has acted as a sort of glue for the family relationships, and now that they’re gone, relationships are beginning to crumble, and all hell will break loose. Will they cope without this peacekeeper?
2. A family member was eavesdropping on some of the others after they heard they’re name being mentioned, they suddenly realise it’s nothing positive. This family member is now incredibly hurt and doesn’t know who to trust in their family. Will they keep to themselves from now on? Will they confront the family, and will that even help the situation?
3. One of the family members finds on all diary from a distant ancestor in an abandoned pile of scraps, they decide to read through it and realise it mentions a possible relationship with a paramour and that they had a child they falsely claimed legitimate. This means that the legitimacy of their entire family line is questioned. Will they tell anyone? Will they try and look further into it or bury it away never to be seen again?
(Skip to here if not including story elements)
Roll a 10 sided dice for every family member, if they get 9 they die, if they are over 80, 10 also constituted as a death.
For every couple, roll a 20 sided dice:
1-4: Relationship does not change
5-13: Couple progresses (E.g Engaged——> Married) if they are married or under 18 the couple does not change
14-18 The couple separates, through any way you like, even death(even if you have not rolled either of their deaths beforehand)
19-20 One or both of the partners takes on a lover
Generate a 20 sided dice for all singles aged 15 or older. If they are under 18, 12 or above is a significant other. If they are between 18 and 26, 7-13 is a significant other, 13-16 is an engagement, and 17-20 is a marriage. If they are 27 or older, 6-9 is a significant other, 10-14 Is an engagement, and 15-20 is a marriage. The ages of the spouses and fiancé/fiancée are up to you.
Roll a 13 sided dice to determine the title of any new spouses, it’s up to you wether these spouses are from a foreign land or not.
1. No title / Premier / Knight
2. High Priest / High Priestess
3. Lord / Lady
4. Emperor / Empress
5. King / Queen
6. {Grand} Duke / {Grand} Duchess
7. Prince / Princess
8. Chieftain
9. Marquess / Marchioness
10. Count / Earl / Countess
11. Baron / Baroness
12. Baronet / Baronetess
13. Viscount / Viscountess
For potential parents, role a 20 sided dice:
For a potential parents aged 18-23: 1-11 is no children, 12-16 is 1 child, 17-20 is 2 children.
For a potential parents aged 24-34: 1-6 is no children, 7-10 is 1 child, 11-15 is 2 children, 16-20 is 3 children.
For a potential parents aged 35-45: 1-9 is no children, 10-15 is 1 child, 16-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.
For potential parents aged 45+: 1-14 is no children, 15-18 is 1 child, 19-20 is 2 children.
These children can be biological or adopted.
If you want, roll the dice again, odd number=boys and even number=girls
Add pets if you want to.
Alouette Celestine Ambrosine Bonetta Aamira Clementine Maribel Halsey Cleontine Arabela Heidi Lilias Miliana Owena Rhonwen Katell Jubilee Briella Finola Ona Margo Cambria Rosegold Amaliya Anise Aster Calypso Iridessa Kaimana
Inigo Finbar Breccan Caius Darrow Kenelm Dmitri Shiloh Bastien Armel Leolin Sachairi Gillespie Abriel Gulliver Jesper Flynn Huron Aurelian Caspian Eleazer Dagan Everett Eero Foxen Leandro Rhodri Lysander Severn Theron Valens
(Feel free to add an “of” before the surnames)
Hollis Twyle Gabrien Sonnet Birdell Lightown Echos Soleel Castor Tudfil Emilien Caledon Florian Halloran Darkthrone Loxias Malakai Tomlynk Viggo
Round 1:
Round 2:
Hello, again I’m thoroughly enjoying the stories, sorry for any delays I am trying to get all of these out before Christmas though!
5 years have passed since round 2:
(Skip this if you’re not including story elements)
1. A family member has been sent off to get married to a foreign/ a royal that lives far away, unfortunately this family member has acted as a sort of glue for the family relationships, and now that they’re gone, relationships are beginning to crumble, and all hell will break loose. Will they cope without this peacekeeper?
2. A family member was eavesdropping on some of the others after they heard they’re name being mentioned, they suddenly realise it’s nothing positive. This family member is now incredibly hurt and doesn’t know who to trust in their family. Will they keep to themselves from now on? Will they confront the family, and will that even help the situation?
3. One of the family members finds on all diary from a distant ancestor in an abandoned pile of scraps, they decide to read through it and realise it mentions a possible relationship with a paramour and that they had a child they falsely claimed legitimate. This means that the legitimacy of their entire family line is questioned. Will they tell anyone? Will they try and look further into it or bury it away never to be seen again?
(Skip to here if not including story elements)
Roll a 10 sided dice for every family member, if they get 9 they die, if they are over 80, 10 also constituted as a death.
For every couple, roll a 20 sided dice:
1-4: Relationship does not change
5-13: Couple progresses (E.g Engaged——> Married) if they are married or under 18 the couple does not change
14-18 The couple separates, through any way you like, even death(even if you have not rolled either of their deaths beforehand)
19-20 One or both of the partners takes on a lover
Generate a 20 sided dice for all singles aged 15 or older. If they are under 18, 12 or above is a significant other. If they are between 18 and 26, 7-13 is a significant other, 13-16 is an engagement, and 17-20 is a marriage. If they are 27 or older, 6-9 is a significant other, 10-14 Is an engagement, and 15-20 is a marriage. The ages of the spouses and fiancé/fiancée are up to you.
Roll a 13 sided dice to determine the title of any new spouses, it’s up to you wether these spouses are from a foreign land or not.
1. No title / Premier / Knight
2. High Priest / High Priestess
3. Lord / Lady
4. Emperor / Empress
5. King / Queen
6. {Grand} Duke / {Grand} Duchess
7. Prince / Princess
8. Chieftain
9. Marquess / Marchioness
10. Count / Earl / Countess
11. Baron / Baroness
12. Baronet / Baronetess
13. Viscount / Viscountess
For potential parents, role a 20 sided dice:
For a potential parents aged 18-23: 1-11 is no children, 12-16 is 1 child, 17-20 is 2 children.
For a potential parents aged 24-34: 1-6 is no children, 7-10 is 1 child, 11-15 is 2 children, 16-20 is 3 children.
For a potential parents aged 35-45: 1-9 is no children, 10-15 is 1 child, 16-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.
For potential parents aged 45+: 1-14 is no children, 15-18 is 1 child, 19-20 is 2 children.
These children can be biological or adopted.
If you want, roll the dice again, odd number=boys and even number=girls
Add pets if you want to.
Alouette Celestine Ambrosine Bonetta Aamira Clementine Maribel Halsey Cleontine Arabela Heidi Lilias Miliana Owena Rhonwen Katell Jubilee Briella Finola Ona Margo Cambria Rosegold Amaliya Anise Aster Calypso Iridessa Kaimana
Inigo Finbar Breccan Caius Darrow Kenelm Dmitri Shiloh Bastien Armel Leolin Sachairi Gillespie Abriel Gulliver Jesper Flynn Huron Aurelian Caspian Eleazer Dagan Everett Eero Foxen Leandro Rhodri Lysander Severn Theron Valens
(Feel free to add an “of” before the surnames)
Hollis Twyle Gabrien Sonnet Birdell Lightown Echos Soleel Castor Tudfil Emilien Caledon Florian Halloran Darkthrone Loxias Malakai Tomlynk Viggo
H [56] Sir Ezra Saxo Creed
-XMistress [50] Miss Mei Murgatroyd
W [46] Dame Callista Amaris (Blackwood) Creed
-XParamour [43] Prince Lupus Zaire Cadwaller, Duke of Greenhill
S [28] Master Ezra Prosper "Prosper" Creed
[-S's Mistress [30] High Priestess Marisol, House Xenon
-S's S [9] Master Ajax, House Creed
-S's D [5] Miss Lalitha, House Xenon
-S's D [4] Miss Amaliya, House Xenon
-S's S [nb] Master Lysander, House Creed]
-F [26] Lady Carolina Amaris DeRoy of Foxland
[--F's Paramour [26] Lord Ramses Harrell Monahue of Daytown
---GF [24] Marchioness Briella Anise Hollis of Lightown
--F's S [5] The Honorable Ruben Archibald Monahue
--F's D [4] The Honorable Finola Cleontine Monahue
--F's S [2] The Honorable Bastien Finbar Monahue
--F's S [nb] The Honorable Caius Valens Monahue]
H's D [26] Marchioness Aditi Kalona (Murgatroyd) Silverstone of Ashdown
[-H [dec] Marquess Asa Haris Silverstone of Ashdown]
-BF [27] High Priest Shiloh, House Viggo
H's D [dec] Marchioness Dido Kaylani (Murgatroyd) Silverstone
-H [27] Marquess Nicanor Calloway Silverstone of Brandol
--GF [22] Baronetess Iridessa Lilias Twyle of Castor
S [dec] Master Edric Amador Creed
W's S [17] The Honorable Orlando Cassian Cadwaller
-GF [15] Lady Arabela Celestine Gabrien of Halloran
S [7] Master Evander Ansel Creed
A year of tragedy, and an interesting development for the Creeds and company. Death reared its ugly head once more in the form of a war in the Ashdown and Brandol territories. In one, Marquess Asa died fighting to fend off the rebels so that reinforcements could arrive. In the other, Marchioness Dido was captured and tortured to death in order to force Nicanor's hand. Both Aditi and Nicanor are utterly devastated by the deaths of their lovers and siblings, clinging to each other as their only hope. Aditi takes over her husband's role, as Nicanor is the only living Silverstone who is eligible, becoming the sole head of Ashdown Territory.
Some small semblance of comfort is brought to the Silverstone family in two persons: High Priest Shiloh, servant of Abriel, god of Death, for Aditi; and Baronetess Iridessa, whose family served as protectors of Brandol Territory before the crown came, for Nicanor.
-XMistress [50] Miss Mei Murgatroyd
W [46] Dame Callista Amaris (Blackwood) Creed
-XParamour [43] Prince Lupus Zaire Cadwaller, Duke of Greenhill
S [28] Master Ezra Prosper "Prosper" Creed
[-S's Mistress [30] High Priestess Marisol, House Xenon
-S's S [9] Master Ajax, House Creed
-S's D [5] Miss Lalitha, House Xenon
-S's D [4] Miss Amaliya, House Xenon
-S's S [nb] Master Lysander, House Creed]
-F [26] Lady Carolina Amaris DeRoy of Foxland
[--F's Paramour [26] Lord Ramses Harrell Monahue of Daytown
---GF [24] Marchioness Briella Anise Hollis of Lightown
--F's S [5] The Honorable Ruben Archibald Monahue
--F's D [4] The Honorable Finola Cleontine Monahue
--F's S [2] The Honorable Bastien Finbar Monahue
--F's S [nb] The Honorable Caius Valens Monahue]
H's D [26] Marchioness Aditi Kalona (Murgatroyd) Silverstone of Ashdown
[-H [dec] Marquess Asa Haris Silverstone of Ashdown]
-BF [27] High Priest Shiloh, House Viggo
H's D [dec] Marchioness Dido Kaylani (Murgatroyd) Silverstone
-H [27] Marquess Nicanor Calloway Silverstone of Brandol
--GF [22] Baronetess Iridessa Lilias Twyle of Castor
S [dec] Master Edric Amador Creed
W's S [17] The Honorable Orlando Cassian Cadwaller
-GF [15] Lady Arabela Celestine Gabrien of Halloran
S [7] Master Evander Ansel Creed
A year of tragedy, and an interesting development for the Creeds and company. Death reared its ugly head once more in the form of a war in the Ashdown and Brandol territories. In one, Marquess Asa died fighting to fend off the rebels so that reinforcements could arrive. In the other, Marchioness Dido was captured and tortured to death in order to force Nicanor's hand. Both Aditi and Nicanor are utterly devastated by the deaths of their lovers and siblings, clinging to each other as their only hope. Aditi takes over her husband's role, as Nicanor is the only living Silverstone who is eligible, becoming the sole head of Ashdown Territory.
Some small semblance of comfort is brought to the Silverstone family in two persons: High Priest Shiloh, servant of Abriel, god of Death, for Aditi; and Baronetess Iridessa, whose family served as protectors of Brandol Territory before the crown came, for Nicanor.
H (44): Prince Naeem Thaddeus DeRoy of Northwood
W (42): Princess Kataleya Amaris Xanthe (Honeycutt) DeRoy of Northwood
S (22): Duke Desmond Esau Cadogan DeRoy of Northwood
> W (19): Duchess Arabela Lilias (Halloran) of Northwood
S (19): Duke Amos Romaro Augustin DeRoy of Northwood
> BF (20): Marquess Breccan Darrow Gulliver Loxias
>> S (1): Lord Foxen Jesper Shiloh Loxias of Northwood
D (10): Duchess Carolina Amabel Nerissa DeRoy of Northwood
S (9): Duke Archibald Artur Ruben DeRoy of Northwood
S (dec. at 7, twin): Duke Leo Ansel Thurstan DeRoy of Northwood
D (7, twin): Duchess Briony Amandine Maia DeRoy of Northwood
S (3): Duke Flynn Aurelian Lysander DeRoy of Northwood
Prince Naeem & Princess Kataleya DeRoy of Northwood | Duke Desmond, Duke Amos, Duchess Carolina, Duke Archibald, Duke Leo, Duchess Briony + Duke Flynn
Duke Desmond & Duchess Arabela of Northwood
Duke Amos of Northwood & Marquess Breccan Loxias | Lord Foxen
W (42): Princess Kataleya Amaris Xanthe (Honeycutt) DeRoy of Northwood
S (22): Duke Desmond Esau Cadogan DeRoy of Northwood
> W (19): Duchess Arabela Lilias (Halloran) of Northwood
S (19): Duke Amos Romaro Augustin DeRoy of Northwood
> BF (20): Marquess Breccan Darrow Gulliver Loxias
>> S (1): Lord Foxen Jesper Shiloh Loxias of Northwood
D (10): Duchess Carolina Amabel Nerissa DeRoy of Northwood
S (9): Duke Archibald Artur Ruben DeRoy of Northwood
S (dec. at 7, twin): Duke Leo Ansel Thurstan DeRoy of Northwood
D (7, twin): Duchess Briony Amandine Maia DeRoy of Northwood
S (3): Duke Flynn Aurelian Lysander DeRoy of Northwood
Prince Naeem & Princess Kataleya DeRoy of Northwood | Duke Desmond, Duke Amos, Duchess Carolina, Duke Archibald, Duke Leo, Duchess Briony + Duke Flynn
Duke Desmond & Duchess Arabela of Northwood
Duke Amos of Northwood & Marquess Breccan Loxias | Lord Foxen
{The former Lord in the Great Tower, Orlando Salvador DeRoy (dead at 35 years of age)}
& his Widow, now Amaryllis, Queen of Soleel (36 years of age)
-& her husband, Leolin, King of Soleel (51 years of age)
-& his son by the late Queen Jubilee, Sachairi, Crown Prince of Soleel (13 years of age)
-& his daughter by the late Queen Jubilee, Lilias, Princess of Soleel (6 years of age)
-& their son, Leolin, Prince of Soleel (4 years of age)
-& their daughter, Ona, Princess of Soleel (9 months old)
-& their daughter, Owena, Princess of Soleel (9 months old)
& their son, the Lord in the Great Tower, Cosimo Albion DeRoy (10 years of age)
& his brother, Idris Matteo DeRoy (9 years of age)
& his sister, Sellania Maia DeRoy (7 years of age)
& his brother, Artur Davido DeRoy (5 years of age)
& his Widow, now Amaryllis, Queen of Soleel (36 years of age)
-& her husband, Leolin, King of Soleel (51 years of age)
-& his son by the late Queen Jubilee, Sachairi, Crown Prince of Soleel (13 years of age)
-& his daughter by the late Queen Jubilee, Lilias, Princess of Soleel (6 years of age)
-& their son, Leolin, Prince of Soleel (4 years of age)
-& their daughter, Ona, Princess of Soleel (9 months old)
-& their daughter, Owena, Princess of Soleel (9 months old)
& their son, the Lord in the Great Tower, Cosimo Albion DeRoy (10 years of age)
& his brother, Idris Matteo DeRoy (9 years of age)
& his sister, Sellania Maia DeRoy (7 years of age)
& his brother, Artur Davido DeRoy (5 years of age)
The DeRoy Family Part III
DH: Albion Ronin Hendric DeRoy (35)
DW: Theophania Kataleya Ventura (Godshill) DeRoy (32)
DS: Thurstan Calloway Evander DeRoy (9)
DD: Aruna Demetria Caris DeRoy (6)
DS: Idris Nicodemus Brennan DeRoy (5)
DS: Jesper Valens Abriel DeRoy (3, twin)
DD: Jubilee Rosegold Finola DeRoy (3, twin)
DD: Alouette Halsey Maribel DeRoy (infant)
Dog: Duska
Dog: Huron
Horse: Iridessa
DH: Albion Ronin Hendric DeRoy (35)
DW: Theophania Kataleya Ventura (Godshill) DeRoy (32)
DS: Thurstan Calloway Evander DeRoy (9)
DD: Aruna Demetria Caris DeRoy (6)
DS: Idris Nicodemus Brennan DeRoy (5)
DS: Jesper Valens Abriel DeRoy (3, twin)
DD: Jubilee Rosegold Finola DeRoy (3, twin)
DD: Alouette Halsey Maribel DeRoy (infant)
Dog: Duska
Dog: Huron
Horse: Iridessa
DH(46): Viscount Chieftain Albion Amador of Thornton
DW(44): Viscountess Chief Consort Kaylani Kalona Cadwallader of Thornton
DS(22): Saxo Memphis of Thornton
-DGF(20): Baronetess Arabela Owena Halloran
DD(20): Lulu Ziraili of Thornton
-DBF(dec. at 20): High Priest Artur Evander of Braegan
-DBF(22): Emperor Leolin Dagan of Viggo
DD(9): Bettys Duska of Thornton
DD(7): Arianwen Anneta of Thornton
DD(3): Rhonwen Cambria of Thornton
DS(twin1,1): Caius Sachairi of Thornton
DD(twin2,1): Rosegold Amaliya of Thornton
DW(44): Viscountess Chief Consort Kaylani Kalona Cadwallader of Thornton
DS(22): Saxo Memphis of Thornton
-DGF(20): Baronetess Arabela Owena Halloran
DD(20): Lulu Ziraili of Thornton
-DBF(dec. at 20): High Priest Artur Evander of Braegan
-DBF(22): Emperor Leolin Dagan of Viggo
DD(9): Bettys Duska of Thornton
DD(7): Arianwen Anneta of Thornton
DD(3): Rhonwen Cambria of Thornton
DS(twin1,1): Caius Sachairi of Thornton
DD(twin2,1): Rosegold Amaliya of Thornton
DH(41): High Priest and Emperor Romaro Zaire Honeycutt of Gabrien
DW(dec. at 35): High Priestess Rocca Andromeda Cadwallader Honeycutt
DW(39): Empress and High Priestess Katell Maribel Hollis Honeycutt of Gabrien
DS(17): Thaddeus Hendric Honeycutt
-DGF(15): Countess Rhonwen Owena Echos
DD(14): Mei Marlene Honeycutt
DD(twin1,8): Nayah Aisha Honeycutt
DD(twin2,8): Bettys Maia Honeycutt
DW’s DS(11): Prince Abriel Darrow Hollis of Gabrien
DW’s DD(6): Princess Celestine Ona Hollis of Gabrien
DD(2): Princess Cambria Finola Honeycutt of Gabrien
DW(dec. at 35): High Priestess Rocca Andromeda Cadwallader Honeycutt
DW(39): Empress and High Priestess Katell Maribel Hollis Honeycutt of Gabrien
DS(17): Thaddeus Hendric Honeycutt
-DGF(15): Countess Rhonwen Owena Echos
DD(14): Mei Marlene Honeycutt
DD(twin1,8): Nayah Aisha Honeycutt
DD(twin2,8): Bettys Maia Honeycutt
DW’s DS(11): Prince Abriel Darrow Hollis of Gabrien
DW’s DD(6): Princess Celestine Ona Hollis of Gabrien
DD(2): Princess Cambria Finola Honeycutt of Gabrien
H [dec at 50] Lord Lupus Thaddeus Castletown, 1st Viscount Castletown
W [50] Lady Callista Marlene Appleton
Lupus & Callista || Cassian and Orlando
S1 [28] Lord Cassian Ezra Castletown, 2nd Viscount Castletown
- W [28] Lady Xanthe Amabel Honeycutt, 2nd Viscountess Castletown
-- S [2] The Honourable Lysander Valens Castletown
-- S [0] The Honourable Inigo Dmitri Castletown
Cassian & Xanthe || Lysander and Inigo
S2 [28] Lieutenant Orlando Salvador Castletown
- W [26] Clementine Lilias Soleel
Orlando & Clementine
Lady Callista worried about Orlando. While Cassian and Xanthe were happily married, Orlando was fully dedicated to his military career, having been made Lieutenant at 25. The military had a reputation for camaraderie, but Callista thought her son led a lonesome, self-deprived existence, and what he needed was a wife. Orlando disagreed quite vehemently. But during one of his visits home, Lady Callista invited over a young Franconian woman. She was a sweet, amiable girl, who did her very best to ingratiate herself to Orlando. Her efforts were fruitless - he was not in the least interested in marriage.
W [50] Lady Callista Marlene Appleton
Lupus & Callista || Cassian and Orlando
S1 [28] Lord Cassian Ezra Castletown, 2nd Viscount Castletown
- W [28] Lady Xanthe Amabel Honeycutt, 2nd Viscountess Castletown
-- S [2] The Honourable Lysander Valens Castletown
-- S [0] The Honourable Inigo Dmitri Castletown
Cassian & Xanthe || Lysander and Inigo
S2 [28] Lieutenant Orlando Salvador Castletown
- W [26] Clementine Lilias Soleel
Orlando & Clementine
Lady Callista worried about Orlando. While Cassian and Xanthe were happily married, Orlando was fully dedicated to his military career, having been made Lieutenant at 25. The military had a reputation for camaraderie, but Callista thought her son led a lonesome, self-deprived existence, and what he needed was a wife. Orlando disagreed quite vehemently. But during one of his visits home, Lady Callista invited over a young Franconian woman. She was a sweet, amiable girl, who did her very best to ingratiate herself to Orlando. Her efforts were fruitless - he was not in the least interested in marriage.
DH[87](dec.): King Amos Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
DW[87](dec.): Queen Theophania Marlene Greenhill Featherstone of Northwood "Thea"
----DBF[87]: Prince Ansel Thurstan Featherstone of Northwood
DH[51]: King Alphonso Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
---- DW[24] (dec.): Princess Geraldine Amina Appleton Featherstone of Northwood "Geri"
--DS1[27]: Prince Apollo Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
---DW[34]: Empress Anushka Demetria Earlin Featherstone of Cloudhill & Northwood
-----DD1[4]: Princess Alena Marisol Featherstone
-----DS1[3]: Prince Armel Caspian Featherstone
-----DD2[1]: Princess Anise Finola Featherstone
DW[34]: Queen Callista Violetta Rayworth Featherstone of Northwood
---DD1[10]: Princess Amandine Caris Featherstone of Northwood
---DS2[9]: Prince Ajax Nicodemus Featherstone of Northwood
---DD2[7]: Princess Arianwen Demetria Featherstone of Northwood
---DS3[4]: Prince Aurelian Everett Featherstone of Northwood
Three years ago Queen Theophania died at 87. She had been one of the key personalities in both politics and the grandmother of the Featherstone family. She had helped keep the peace between Alphonso and Apollo and Alphonso and Callista. She also brought dignity and tradition to public appearances of the royal family. Alphonso has found it useful to have his Uncle Ansel around to help with public appearances since the death of his mother.
Meanwhile Alphonso and Callista are fighting. Callista is upset that most of her children stand to inherit some, but not that much of the estate, as most of it goes to Apollo. She is worried her children will not have enough to thrive, particularly her sons, as her girls will marry. She would like to purchase estates and titles in the kingdom, which Alphonso says he will probably do when they marry. This is not good enough for Callista and she continues to worry. Alphonso isn't worried and wants more children. The lack of definite futures for their children makes Callista not want to have more kids.
DW[87](dec.): Queen Theophania Marlene Greenhill Featherstone of Northwood "Thea"
----DBF[87]: Prince Ansel Thurstan Featherstone of Northwood
DH[51]: King Alphonso Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
---- DW[24] (dec.): Princess Geraldine Amina Appleton Featherstone of Northwood "Geri"
--DS1[27]: Prince Apollo Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
---DW[34]: Empress Anushka Demetria Earlin Featherstone of Cloudhill & Northwood
-----DD1[4]: Princess Alena Marisol Featherstone
-----DS1[3]: Prince Armel Caspian Featherstone
-----DD2[1]: Princess Anise Finola Featherstone
DW[34]: Queen Callista Violetta Rayworth Featherstone of Northwood
---DD1[10]: Princess Amandine Caris Featherstone of Northwood
---DS2[9]: Prince Ajax Nicodemus Featherstone of Northwood
---DD2[7]: Princess Arianwen Demetria Featherstone of Northwood
---DS3[4]: Prince Aurelian Everett Featherstone of Northwood
Three years ago Queen Theophania died at 87. She had been one of the key personalities in both politics and the grandmother of the Featherstone family. She had helped keep the peace between Alphonso and Apollo and Alphonso and Callista. She also brought dignity and tradition to public appearances of the royal family. Alphonso has found it useful to have his Uncle Ansel around to help with public appearances since the death of his mother.
Meanwhile Alphonso and Callista are fighting. Callista is upset that most of her children stand to inherit some, but not that much of the estate, as most of it goes to Apollo. She is worried her children will not have enough to thrive, particularly her sons, as her girls will marry. She would like to purchase estates and titles in the kingdom, which Alphonso says he will probably do when they marry. This is not good enough for Callista and she continues to worry. Alphonso isn't worried and wants more children. The lack of definite futures for their children makes Callista not want to have more kids.
This message was edited 12/23/2022, 12:07 AM
DH [51] Lord Kairo Julius Salvador of Foxland
DW [dec. at 42] Lady Dynah Gweneth Kaylani of Foxland (formerly of Featherstone)
DD [24] BaronessTheophania Amaris Dynah Blevins (of Foxland)
-DH[27] Baron Ezra Gwydion Cosimo Blevins
--DD [2] Baroness Katell Aamira Theophania Blevins “Kat”
--DS [1] Baron Finbar Gulliver Ezra Blevins
--DD [exp] Baroness Cleontine Anise Amaris Blevins “Cleo”
-Dfiancé’s ex-Mistress [27] High Priestess Harriot Noor Brandol
--DD [6] Maia Arianwen Brandol
DD [dec. at 15] Lady Amaryllis Mei Gweneth of Foxland
DS [17] Lord Thaddeus Edric Kairo of Foxland
-DW [16] Lady Clementine Jubilee Bonetta of Foxland (nee Emilien)
--DD/DS [nb] Lady Rhonwen Maribel Clementine of Foxland/ Lord Rhodri Leolin Thaddeus of Foxland
Dfiancée [42] Marchioness Lalitha Briony Anushka Erland
Dfiancée’sDS [20] Marquess Piotr Bodhi Ruben Erland
-DFiance [19] High Priestess Ambrosine Briella Calypso Tomlynk
--DS [1] Marquess Huron Sachairi Piotr Erland
Dfiancée’sDS [dec. at 19] Marquess Idris Samir Ansel Erland
Lord Kairo & Lady Dynah of Foxland: Lady Theophania, Lady Amaryllis, & Lord Thaddeus
Marchioness Lalitha Erland: Marquess Piotr & Marquess Idris Samir
Lord Kairo & Marchioness Lalitha Erland
Baroness Theophania of Foxland & Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins: Baroness Kat, Baron Finbar, & Baroness Cleo
Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins & High Priestess Harriot Brandol: Maia
Lord Thaddeus & Lady Clementine of Foxland: Lady Rhonwen Maribel & Lord Rhodri
Marquess Piotr Erland & High Priestess Ambrosine Tomlynk: Marquess Huron
Following the marriage of Lady Theophania to Baron Ezra, he separated himself from his mistress, the High Priestess Harriot. This was at the insistence of his wife, as is his continued lack of acknowledgment of his six-year-old daughter Maia. Young Lord Thaddeus got married as well in the last five years to Viscountess Clementine Emilien, and Marquess Piotr is currently engaged to the High Priestess Ambrosine Tomlynk of the next country over, and the two have a son together. However, Lord Kairo and Marchioness Lalitha still have not gotten married. Some speculate this has been pushed back due to the recent death of Marquess Idris Samir, Marchioness Lalitha’s younger son.
DW [dec. at 42] Lady Dynah Gweneth Kaylani of Foxland (formerly of Featherstone)
DD [24] BaronessTheophania Amaris Dynah Blevins (of Foxland)
-DH[27] Baron Ezra Gwydion Cosimo Blevins
--DD [2] Baroness Katell Aamira Theophania Blevins “Kat”
--DS [1] Baron Finbar Gulliver Ezra Blevins
--DD [exp] Baroness Cleontine Anise Amaris Blevins “Cleo”
-Dfiancé’s ex-Mistress [27] High Priestess Harriot Noor Brandol
--DD [6] Maia Arianwen Brandol
DD [dec. at 15] Lady Amaryllis Mei Gweneth of Foxland
DS [17] Lord Thaddeus Edric Kairo of Foxland
-DW [16] Lady Clementine Jubilee Bonetta of Foxland (nee Emilien)
--DD/DS [nb] Lady Rhonwen Maribel Clementine of Foxland/ Lord Rhodri Leolin Thaddeus of Foxland
Dfiancée [42] Marchioness Lalitha Briony Anushka Erland
Dfiancée’sDS [20] Marquess Piotr Bodhi Ruben Erland
-DFiance [19] High Priestess Ambrosine Briella Calypso Tomlynk
--DS [1] Marquess Huron Sachairi Piotr Erland
Dfiancée’sDS [dec. at 19] Marquess Idris Samir Ansel Erland
Lord Kairo & Lady Dynah of Foxland: Lady Theophania, Lady Amaryllis, & Lord Thaddeus
Marchioness Lalitha Erland: Marquess Piotr & Marquess Idris Samir
Lord Kairo & Marchioness Lalitha Erland
Baroness Theophania of Foxland & Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins: Baroness Kat, Baron Finbar, & Baroness Cleo
Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins & High Priestess Harriot Brandol: Maia
Lord Thaddeus & Lady Clementine of Foxland: Lady Rhonwen Maribel & Lord Rhodri
Marquess Piotr Erland & High Priestess Ambrosine Tomlynk: Marquess Huron
Following the marriage of Lady Theophania to Baron Ezra, he separated himself from his mistress, the High Priestess Harriot. This was at the insistence of his wife, as is his continued lack of acknowledgment of his six-year-old daughter Maia. Young Lord Thaddeus got married as well in the last five years to Viscountess Clementine Emilien, and Marquess Piotr is currently engaged to the High Priestess Ambrosine Tomlynk of the next country over, and the two have a son together. However, Lord Kairo and Marchioness Lalitha still have not gotten married. Some speculate this has been pushed back due to the recent death of Marquess Idris Samir, Marchioness Lalitha’s younger son.
DH: Duke Naeem Romaro Zaire of Godshill (47)
-DLover: Lord Gwydion Lupus Gold (40)
DLover: Empress Nayah Sellania Azami of Chukea (39)
-DLover: Lord Theron Gillespie Darkthrone (42)
DLover: Lady Aditi Rocca Gold (38)
-DLover: Empress Iridessa Clementine Rosegold of Loxias (33)
--DH: Emperor Finbar Kenelm Rhodri of Loxias (51)
DW: Duchess Amaryllis Xanthe Violette of Godshill (37; deceased)
DLover: Emperor Ramses Atsadi Idris of Chukea (40; deceased)
Duke & Duchess of Godshill's Kids
DS: Raen Alphonso Thaddeus of Godshill (28)
-DEngaged: Grand Duchess Amandine Caris Lalitha of Alibrand (26)
-DS: Caspian Dmitri Lysander of Godshill (2)
DD: Amina Ventura Gweneth of Godshill (23)
-DEngaged: Baronet Asa Nicanor Maurice of Erland (27)
-DD: Clover Alena Devonne of Erland (5)
DS: Ajax Nicodemus Thurstan of Godshill [twin] (10)
DS: Ansel Archibald Noam of Godshill [twin] (10)
-DLover: Lord Gwydion Lupus Gold (40)
DLover: Empress Nayah Sellania Azami of Chukea (39)
-DLover: Lord Theron Gillespie Darkthrone (42)
DLover: Lady Aditi Rocca Gold (38)
-DLover: Empress Iridessa Clementine Rosegold of Loxias (33)
--DH: Emperor Finbar Kenelm Rhodri of Loxias (51)
DW: Duchess Amaryllis Xanthe Violette of Godshill (37; deceased)
DLover: Emperor Ramses Atsadi Idris of Chukea (40; deceased)
Duke & Duchess of Godshill's Kids
DS: Raen Alphonso Thaddeus of Godshill (28)
-DEngaged: Grand Duchess Amandine Caris Lalitha of Alibrand (26)
-DS: Caspian Dmitri Lysander of Godshill (2)
DD: Amina Ventura Gweneth of Godshill (23)
-DEngaged: Baronet Asa Nicanor Maurice of Erland (27)
-DD: Clover Alena Devonne of Erland (5)
DS: Ajax Nicodemus Thurstan of Godshill [twin] (10)
DS: Ansel Archibald Noam of Godshill [twin] (10)
DH: Duke Naeem Romaro Zaire of Godshill (47)
-DLover: Lord Gwydion Lupus Gold (40)
DLover: Empress Nayah Sellania Azami of Chukea (39)
-DLover: Lord Theron Gillespie Darkthrone (42)
DLover: Lady Aditi Rocca Gold (38)
-DLover: Empress Iridessa Clementine Rosegold of Loxias (33)
--DH: Emperor Finbar Kenelm Rhodri of Loxias (51)
DW: Duchess Amaryllis Xanthe Violette of Godshill (37; deceased)
DLover: Emperor Ramses Atsadi Idris of Chukea (40; deceased)
Duke & Duchess of Godshill's Kids
DS: Raen Alphonso Thaddeus of Godshill (28)
-DEngaged: Grand Duchess Amandine Caris Lalitha of Alibrand (26)
-DS: Caspian Dmitri Lysander of Godshill (2)
DD: Amina Ventura Gweneth of Godshill (23)
-DEngaged: Baronet Asa Nicanor Maurice of Erland (27)
-DD: Clover Alena Devonne of Erland (5)
DS: Ajax Nicodemus Thurstan of Godshill [twin] (10)
DS: Ansel Archibald Noam of Godshill [twin] (10)
-DLover: Lord Gwydion Lupus Gold (40)
DLover: Empress Nayah Sellania Azami of Chukea (39)
-DLover: Lord Theron Gillespie Darkthrone (42)
DLover: Lady Aditi Rocca Gold (38)
-DLover: Empress Iridessa Clementine Rosegold of Loxias (33)
--DH: Emperor Finbar Kenelm Rhodri of Loxias (51)
DW: Duchess Amaryllis Xanthe Violette of Godshill (37; deceased)
DLover: Emperor Ramses Atsadi Idris of Chukea (40; deceased)
Duke & Duchess of Godshill's Kids
DS: Raen Alphonso Thaddeus of Godshill (28)
-DEngaged: Grand Duchess Amandine Caris Lalitha of Alibrand (26)
-DS: Caspian Dmitri Lysander of Godshill (2)
DD: Amina Ventura Gweneth of Godshill (23)
-DEngaged: Baronet Asa Nicanor Maurice of Erland (27)
-DD: Clover Alena Devonne of Erland (5)
DS: Ajax Nicodemus Thurstan of Godshill [twin] (10)
DS: Ansel Archibald Noam of Godshill [twin] (10)
DH| Lord Amos Cassian of Blackwood [41]
DW| Priestess Ziraili Adhara Creed [39]
DD| Lady Xanthe Ziraili of Blackwood [18]
-DFiance| Prince Theron Jesper Valens of Caledon [19]
DS| Lord Raen Augustin of Blackwood [16]
DD| Lady Kalyani Athina of Blackwood [15]
DD| Lady Nayah Marcella of Blackwood [10]
DS| Lord Idris Nicanor of Blackwood [9]
DD| Lady Zahar Lalitha of Blackwood [7]
Cat: Alouette
DW| Priestess Ziraili Adhara Creed [39]
DD| Lady Xanthe Ziraili of Blackwood [18]
-DFiance| Prince Theron Jesper Valens of Caledon [19]
DS| Lord Raen Augustin of Blackwood [16]
DD| Lady Kalyani Athina of Blackwood [15]
DD| Lady Nayah Marcella of Blackwood [10]
DS| Lord Idris Nicanor of Blackwood [9]
DD| Lady Zahar Lalitha of Blackwood [7]
Cat: Alouette
DH [59]: King Gwydion Thaddeus Orlando of Blackwood
DW [47]: Queen Aikaterine Amabel Theophania of Blackwood (née Princess of Rosetown)
DD1 [29]: Princess Adhara Amaryllis Nerissa of Blackwood
-ExSO [38]: Prince Cosimo Dionysius Augustin of Cadwallader
-DF [30]: Kamal Artur Braegan
-DD [5]: Princess Yessenia Marisol Braegan of Blackwood
-DD [3]: Princess Calypso Iridessa Braegan of Blackwood
-DS [1]: Prince Leolin Dmitri Braegan of Blackwood
DD2 [27]: Princess Violetta Athina Kaylani of Blackwood
-DF [37]: High Priest Shiloh Jesper Loxias
DD3 [22]: Princess Callista Andromeda Xanthe of Blackwood
-SO [25]: Baronet Archibald Bodhi of Blackwood
-Lover [28]: Baron Rhodri Lysander of Blackwood
DS1 [8]: Crown Prince Nicodemus Ajax Evander of Blackwood
DW [47]: Queen Aikaterine Amabel Theophania of Blackwood (née Princess of Rosetown)
DD1 [29]: Princess Adhara Amaryllis Nerissa of Blackwood
-ExSO [38]: Prince Cosimo Dionysius Augustin of Cadwallader
-DF [30]: Kamal Artur Braegan
-DD [5]: Princess Yessenia Marisol Braegan of Blackwood
-DD [3]: Princess Calypso Iridessa Braegan of Blackwood
-DS [1]: Prince Leolin Dmitri Braegan of Blackwood
DD2 [27]: Princess Violetta Athina Kaylani of Blackwood
-DF [37]: High Priest Shiloh Jesper Loxias
DD3 [22]: Princess Callista Andromeda Xanthe of Blackwood
-SO [25]: Baronet Archibald Bodhi of Blackwood
-Lover [28]: Baron Rhodri Lysander of Blackwood
DS1 [8]: Crown Prince Nicodemus Ajax Evander of Blackwood
Adhara Amaryllis, Elven Queen of the Blackwood [89]
♥Lord Edric Prosper Thornton [61; King Consort]
♥Lord Noam Brennan Lazarus [35; lover of Queen Adhara]
♥Viscountess Cleontine of Twyle [49; lover of Queen Adhara]
Augustin Dionysius Thornton, disgraced Prince of the Blackwood [32]
♥Lady Dido Carolina Greenhill [d. 23; late fiancee]
♥Amaliya Rosegold Tomlynk, disgraced Baroness Darkthrone [25; fiancee]
--Jesper Dmitri Thornton [4]
--Miliana Ambrosine Thornton [2; twin]
--Kaimana Celestine Thornton [2; twin]
Prince Cassian Julius [30]
♥Princess Amaris of the Northwood [29; wife]
--Lady Demetria Caris [9]
--Lord Evander Nicodemus [d. 2]
--Lady Arabela Calypso [3]
--Lord Aurelian Caius [nb]
♥Lalitha Aruna Zahar, Queen of Windwater [30; lover of Prince Cassian]
--Princess Anushka Amandine [5]
♥Lord Edric Prosper Thornton [61; King Consort]
♥Lord Noam Brennan Lazarus [35; lover of Queen Adhara]
♥Viscountess Cleontine of Twyle [49; lover of Queen Adhara]
Augustin Dionysius Thornton, disgraced Prince of the Blackwood [32]
♥Lady Dido Carolina Greenhill [d. 23; late fiancee]
♥Amaliya Rosegold Tomlynk, disgraced Baroness Darkthrone [25; fiancee]
--Jesper Dmitri Thornton [4]
--Miliana Ambrosine Thornton [2; twin]
--Kaimana Celestine Thornton [2; twin]
Prince Cassian Julius [30]
♥Princess Amaris of the Northwood [29; wife]
--Lady Demetria Caris [9]
--Lord Evander Nicodemus [d. 2]
--Lady Arabela Calypso [3]
--Lord Aurelian Caius [nb]
♥Lalitha Aruna Zahar, Queen of Windwater [30; lover of Prince Cassian]
--Princess Anushka Amandine [5]
The Featherstone Family!(aka "My Miserable Life")
DH:[48]Lord Cassian Cadogan Featherstone
-DW:[47]Viscountess Alouette Bonetta Finola of Featherstone(née Florian)
-DS1[8]Leolin "Leo" Flynn Caspian Featherstone of Florian
-DD1:[3]Arabela "Bella" Margo Aster Featherstone of Florian
DW:[46]Aikaterine Theophania Featherstone(née DeRoy)(dec.)
DS:[23]Hendric Cassian Featherstone
-GF:[21]Lady Harriot Normana Janella Brandol "Norma"
DS:[21]Julius "Julie" Raen Featherstone
-GF:[20]Princess Alena Briony Maia of Braegan(found)
DD:[15]Callista "Callie" Gweneth Featherstone
-SO:[17]Prince Aurelian Lysander Armel Gabrien
15-year-old Callie Featherstone is going on an adventure. She is going far away to marry a royal, which will strengthen the ties between the two countries, which are slowly becoming allies after a long war. At first, Callie declined because she was sure her family needed her, but her family insisted that she go, and they would be perfectly fine. So, Callie reluctantly went and was carted away to a far-off country. Soon, the Featherstones realize that this was a big mistake, for Callie was what let their diplomatic meetings never get out of hand. So when Evander gets into a heated argument with another fellow aristocrat, he loses his temper and things get ugly. Afterward, diplomatic relationships start to fall apart, and the family is unsupported. the whole family angrily turns on Evander, who in turn only increases their misery.
DH:[48]Lord Cassian Cadogan Featherstone
-DW:[47]Viscountess Alouette Bonetta Finola of Featherstone(née Florian)
-DS1[8]Leolin "Leo" Flynn Caspian Featherstone of Florian
-DD1:[3]Arabela "Bella" Margo Aster Featherstone of Florian
DW:[46]Aikaterine Theophania Featherstone(née DeRoy)(dec.)
DS:[23]Hendric Cassian Featherstone
-GF:[21]Lady Harriot Normana Janella Brandol "Norma"
DS:[21]Julius "Julie" Raen Featherstone
-GF:[20]Princess Alena Briony Maia of Braegan(found)
DD:[15]Callista "Callie" Gweneth Featherstone
-SO:[17]Prince Aurelian Lysander Armel Gabrien
15-year-old Callie Featherstone is going on an adventure. She is going far away to marry a royal, which will strengthen the ties between the two countries, which are slowly becoming allies after a long war. At first, Callie declined because she was sure her family needed her, but her family insisted that she go, and they would be perfectly fine. So, Callie reluctantly went and was carted away to a far-off country. Soon, the Featherstones realize that this was a big mistake, for Callie was what let their diplomatic meetings never get out of hand. So when Evander gets into a heated argument with another fellow aristocrat, he loses his temper and things get ugly. Afterward, diplomatic relationships start to fall apart, and the family is unsupported. the whole family angrily turns on Evander, who in turn only increases their misery.
DH: Esau Apollo Northwood [dec. at 46]
DW: Kaylani Callista [Castletown] Northwood [48]
DS: Amos Cadogan Northwood [28]
- DW: Theophania Kalona [Murgatroyd] Northwood [28]
- DD: Lalitha Lidelle Northwood [dec. at 6]
- DD: Basia Aruna Northwood [5, presumed dead at 1]
DS: Ezra Amador Northwood [20]
- DGF: Lady Iridessa Ambrosine Birdell [22]
DD: Amabel Amina Northwood [14]
Esau and Kaylani with Amos, Ezra, and Amabel
- Amos and Theophania with Basia
- Ezra and Lady Iridessa
After the myserious letter stating that Basia is alive, Amos and Theophania set out in search of their daughter. Using their collective charm, they go from expert to expert, analyzing the letter's handwriting, material, dust particles - anything they can get. It takes a year, but they find a lead: an old sea witch named Calypso Owena Malakai. Amos and Theophania brave the month journey to her abode, where she admits she has Basia. Calypso refuses to say why she stole Basia, but offers to give her back. She warns that her return will come at a cost, but a desperate Amos and Theophania ask no questions and take their daughter home. It's only when they return that they find the tragic news: Lalitha has suddenly fallen ill. They try to push Calypso's words out of their mind and take care of Lalitha, but within a year she has passed away. Amos and Theophania can't help but feel that they've traded in one daughter for the other. Griefstricken once again, they decide they need a fresh start and move out of Northwood Tower to an entirely new home. Though awful, it's good timing: the newest towerkeeper has found love in the illustrious Lady Iridessa Birdell. With skin as dark as her eyes and black hair in elaborate plaits, Lady Iridessa's royal history is immediately apparent to anyone she meets. Many find it odd that she's chosen to court a humble, homely peon in place of nobility, but as all who've seen it know, the Tower is its own form of kingdom. And Amabel, now fourteen, has grown into a curious girl, as intelligent as she is lovely and heavily resembly her mother.
DW: Kaylani Callista [Castletown] Northwood [48]
DS: Amos Cadogan Northwood [28]
- DW: Theophania Kalona [Murgatroyd] Northwood [28]
- DD: Lalitha Lidelle Northwood [dec. at 6]
- DD: Basia Aruna Northwood [5, presumed dead at 1]
DS: Ezra Amador Northwood [20]
- DGF: Lady Iridessa Ambrosine Birdell [22]
DD: Amabel Amina Northwood [14]
Esau and Kaylani with Amos, Ezra, and Amabel
- Amos and Theophania with Basia
- Ezra and Lady Iridessa
After the myserious letter stating that Basia is alive, Amos and Theophania set out in search of their daughter. Using their collective charm, they go from expert to expert, analyzing the letter's handwriting, material, dust particles - anything they can get. It takes a year, but they find a lead: an old sea witch named Calypso Owena Malakai. Amos and Theophania brave the month journey to her abode, where she admits she has Basia. Calypso refuses to say why she stole Basia, but offers to give her back. She warns that her return will come at a cost, but a desperate Amos and Theophania ask no questions and take their daughter home. It's only when they return that they find the tragic news: Lalitha has suddenly fallen ill. They try to push Calypso's words out of their mind and take care of Lalitha, but within a year she has passed away. Amos and Theophania can't help but feel that they've traded in one daughter for the other. Griefstricken once again, they decide they need a fresh start and move out of Northwood Tower to an entirely new home. Though awful, it's good timing: the newest towerkeeper has found love in the illustrious Lady Iridessa Birdell. With skin as dark as her eyes and black hair in elaborate plaits, Lady Iridessa's royal history is immediately apparent to anyone she meets. Many find it odd that she's chosen to court a humble, homely peon in place of nobility, but as all who've seen it know, the Tower is its own form of kingdom. And Amabel, now fourteen, has grown into a curious girl, as intelligent as she is lovely and heavily resembly her mother.
This message was edited 6/6/2023, 9:09 PM
H (dec. at 47): King Salvador Alphonso Julius of Rayworth
W (40): Queen Mother Gweneth Amaryllis (Featherstone) of Rayworth
S (19): King Julius 'Prosper' Prosper Augustin of Rayworth
> W (18): Queen Kaimana Lilias Aamira (Caledon) of Rayworth
D (14): Princess Violetta Amabel Carolina of Rayworth
D (9): Princess Marisol Harriot Alena of Rayworth
King Salvador / Queen Mother Gweneth of Rayworth | King Prosper, Princess Violetta + Princess Marisol
King Prosper & Queen Kaimana of Rayworth
W (40): Queen Mother Gweneth Amaryllis (Featherstone) of Rayworth
S (19): King Julius 'Prosper' Prosper Augustin of Rayworth
> W (18): Queen Kaimana Lilias Aamira (Caledon) of Rayworth
D (14): Princess Violetta Amabel Carolina of Rayworth
D (9): Princess Marisol Harriot Alena of Rayworth
King Salvador / Queen Mother Gweneth of Rayworth | King Prosper, Princess Violetta + Princess Marisol
King Prosper & Queen Kaimana of Rayworth
H (48): King Cassian Orlando of Rayworth
W (49): Queen Gweneth Kiana (DeRoy) of Rayworth
D (25): Crown Princess Adhara Violetta of Rayworth
--ExBf (27): Prince Thaddeus Kairo of Featherstone
-H (23): Crown Prince Flynn Leandro of Rayworth (Baronet of Malakai)
--S (2): Prince Everett Shiloh of Rayworth
S (23): Prince Apollo Zaire of Rayworth
--W (dec. at 21): Marchioness Aisha Noor (of Chukea) of Rayworth
-Gf (22): Lady Ona Katell Viggo
W (49): Queen Gweneth Kiana (DeRoy) of Rayworth
D (25): Crown Princess Adhara Violetta of Rayworth
--ExBf (27): Prince Thaddeus Kairo of Featherstone
-H (23): Crown Prince Flynn Leandro of Rayworth (Baronet of Malakai)
--S (2): Prince Everett Shiloh of Rayworth
S (23): Prince Apollo Zaire of Rayworth
--W (dec. at 21): Marchioness Aisha Noor (of Chukea) of Rayworth
-Gf (22): Lady Ona Katell Viggo
H [dec] Sir Edric Romaro Foxland
{H's Paramour [49] Miss Adhara Amina Creed}
W [52] Lady Violetta Amabel Grange, Countess of Rosetown
{W's Betrothed [53] Lord Julius Alphonso Thornton, 6th Earl of Godshill}
S [25] Darion Edric Foxland-Grange, Lord Murgatroyd
- SO [27] Maribel Ambrosine Finola Twyle, 2nd Countess of Echos
H's D1 [22] Amaryllis Ayita Sonnet, née Creed
- ExSO [21] Lord Harrell Marcomer Braegan, 2nd Earl of Silverstone
- H [28] Caspian Inigo Abriel Sonnet, High Priest of Malakai
H's D2 [15] Miss Andromeda Adhara Creed
{H's Paramour [49] Miss Adhara Amina Creed}
W [52] Lady Violetta Amabel Grange, Countess of Rosetown
{W's Betrothed [53] Lord Julius Alphonso Thornton, 6th Earl of Godshill}
S [25] Darion Edric Foxland-Grange, Lord Murgatroyd
- SO [27] Maribel Ambrosine Finola Twyle, 2nd Countess of Echos
H's D1 [22] Amaryllis Ayita Sonnet, née Creed
- ExSO [21] Lord Harrell Marcomer Braegan, 2nd Earl of Silverstone
- H [28] Caspian Inigo Abriel Sonnet, High Priest of Malakai
H's D2 [15] Miss Andromeda Adhara Creed
DH: [52] Cassian Apollo Blackwood
DW: [50] Callista Dido Amabel [DeRoy] Blackwood
DS: [26] Edric Julius Lynx Blackwood
DW: [27] Amandine Marcella (Rune) Blackwood
-DD: [7] Basia Anneta Demetria Blackwood
-DS: [5] Abriel Caius Lysander
-DD: [3] Iridessa Ona Ambrosine Blackwood
-DS: [1] Leolin Castor Theron Blackwood
DS: [23] Augustin Desmond Orlando Blackwood
DW: [24] Bettys Arianwen (Ashdown) Blackwood
-DD: [6] Briony Idonea Caris Blackwood
-DS/DS: [4] Breccan Rhodri Flynn Blackwood/Darrow Jesper Kenelm Blackwood
-DD: [2] Katell Amaliya Aster Blackwood
DD: [20] Gweneth Amaryllis Theophania Blackwood
Df: [22] Valens Armel Caledon
DW: [50] Callista Dido Amabel [DeRoy] Blackwood
DS: [26] Edric Julius Lynx Blackwood
DW: [27] Amandine Marcella (Rune) Blackwood
-DD: [7] Basia Anneta Demetria Blackwood
-DS: [5] Abriel Caius Lysander
-DD: [3] Iridessa Ona Ambrosine Blackwood
-DS: [1] Leolin Castor Theron Blackwood
DS: [23] Augustin Desmond Orlando Blackwood
DW: [24] Bettys Arianwen (Ashdown) Blackwood
-DD: [6] Briony Idonea Caris Blackwood
-DS/DS: [4] Breccan Rhodri Flynn Blackwood/Darrow Jesper Kenelm Blackwood
-DD: [2] Katell Amaliya Aster Blackwood
DD: [20] Gweneth Amaryllis Theophania Blackwood
Df: [22] Valens Armel Caledon
H [dec at 36] King Julius Cadogan of Blackwood
W [33] Queen Regent Xanthe Dido of Foxland
Julius & Xanthe || Prosper and Ezra
S1 [15] Crown Prince Prosper Cosimo of Blackwood
S2 [dec at 14] Prince Ezra Dionysius of Blackwood
The nation mourns for Prince Ezra, who, aged only 14 in a tragic accident - he was sparing with his brother, as he often did, slipped, and cracked his skull open. He is missed by no-one more than his brother, who blames himself for Ezra's death, and has become withdrawn and melancholy.
W [33] Queen Regent Xanthe Dido of Foxland
Julius & Xanthe || Prosper and Ezra
S1 [15] Crown Prince Prosper Cosimo of Blackwood
S2 [dec at 14] Prince Ezra Dionysius of Blackwood
The nation mourns for Prince Ezra, who, aged only 14 in a tragic accident - he was sparing with his brother, as he often did, slipped, and cracked his skull open. He is missed by no-one more than his brother, who blames himself for Ezra's death, and has become withdrawn and melancholy.
W[38]: Violetta Mei Theophania, High Empress of Gold
H[37]: Amador, Rune Priest of Honeycutt
DD[13]: Amaryllis Cataleya Mei, Crown Princess of Gold
DS[13]: Thaddeus Alphonso Esau, Crown Prince of Gold
DD[dec]: Yessenia Idonea Lalitha, Princess of Silverstone
DD[5]: Iridessa Maribel Aster, Priestess Princess of Echoes
H[37]: Amador, Rune Priest of Honeycutt
DD[13]: Amaryllis Cataleya Mei, Crown Princess of Gold
DS[13]: Thaddeus Alphonso Esau, Crown Prince of Gold
DD[dec]: Yessenia Idonea Lalitha, Princess of Silverstone
DD[5]: Iridessa Maribel Aster, Priestess Princess of Echoes