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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 12
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Jonathan Alexander Sappington
DW: Margaret Laura [Hyde] Sappington
-DD1: Marion Victorine [Sappington] Varley
--DH: Joel Marco Varley
--DS1: Stefan Ambrose Varley
--DD1: Frances Grace Varley
--DS2: Walter Hamlet Varley
-DD2: Cornelia Ruth [Sappington] Granger
--DH: Silas Linden Granger
--DD1: Yolanda Irina Granger
-DD3: Gwendolyn Delyth [Sappington] Tobin
--DH: Ezra Wyatt Tobin
-DS1: Theodore Atticus Sappington
--DW: Eloise Sydney (Wild) Sappington
--DS1: Henry Mathias Sappington
-DD4: Florence Joan [Sappington] Woodhams
--DH: Emerson Carter Woodhams
--DS1: Tobias Marcel Woodhams
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