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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 18
in reply to a message by Kaesy

The Fox Family

(George and Edie - Alice, Wes, Millie, Basil)

George Caspian Fox & Edith "Edie" Ambrosia Fox, née Corwin
Alice Victorine Fox
Wesley "Wes" Jordan Fox
Camilla "Millie" Georgette Fox
Basil Nathaniel FoxThe Foster Family
(Alice and Cal - Emma)

Alice Victorine Foster, née Fox & Callum "Cal" Hamish Foster
Emma Chrysanthemum FosterThe Fox Family
(Wes and Nonnie - Alannah, Eva, Seb, Bella, Rowan)

Wesley "Wes" Jordan Fox & Winona "Nonnie" Phryne Fox, née Strickland
Alannah Rhianwen Fox
Evelyn "Eva" Cordelia Fox
Sebastian "Seb" Barnabas Fox
Bellona "Bella" Cymbeline Fox
Rowan Horatio FoxThe O'Hannigan Family
(Millie and Dean - Brogan, Maisie, Donnie, Shay, Clary)

Camilla "Millie" Georgette O'Hannigan, née Fox & Fletcher "Dean" Dean O'Hannigan
Brogan Samuel O'Hannigan
Maisie Elspeth O'Hannigan
Donovan "Donnie" Braithe O'Hannigan
Seamus "Shay" Dermot O'Hannigan
Clara "Clary" Serena O'HanniganThe Fox Garnet Family
(Basil and Russ - CJ, Lionel, Ramsey, Angel)

Basil Nathaniel Fox Garnet & Russell "Russ" Bruce Fox Garnet
Colin "CJ" James Fox Garnet
Lionel Henry Fox Garnet
Ramsey Clark Fox Garnet
Angeline "Angel" Willow Fox Garnet
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