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Re: Generation CAF (4 of 6)
DH: Finnegan (Finn) James Rexford
DW: Ella-Grace Reese Rexford née SumnerDS1: Rhys Finley. Rexford
-DW: Shai Amelia Rexford née Swanson
--DD: Skye Amelia Rexford
--DD: Grey Elsie Rexford
--DD: Lux Margaux Rexford
--DD: Star Idris RexfordDS2: Jasper Felix Rexford
-DW: Aurora (Rory) Mercy Anderson-Rexford
--DW'sDS: Crosby Monroe Anderson
--DS: Finnegan (Rowan) Rowan Rexford
--DS: Kiefer Felix Rexford
--DD: Bridget Reese RexfordDS3: Crispin Theodore Rexford
-DW: Mailee June Jones-Rexford
--DD: Cailyn Mica Rexford
--DD: Cassidy Mila RexfordDS4: Harrison Hugh Rexford
DS5: Louis James Rexford (adopted)
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