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The Marsden Family!
in reply to a message by Kaesy
The Marsden FamilyH: Griffin Edward Marsden, "Griff"
W: Elizabeth Patience (Wood-Clarke) Marsden, "Beth"D1: Seraphina Lileas (Marsden) Rowe, "Sera"
S1: Wesley Owen Marsden
S2: Christopher Oscar Marsden, "Kit"
S3: Richard Nathaniel Marsden, "Richie"
D2: Millicent Adrianne (Marsden) Rutherford, "Milly"
_______________D1: Sera
H: Marcus Sebastian RoweD1: Emma Livia Rowe
D2: Catherine Millicent Rowe, "Catie"
_______________S1: Wesley
W: Tamar Rosalyn (Bryce) Marsden, "Tammy"S: Evan Jethro Marsden
_______________S2: Kit
W: Tessa Paulette (Bonnaire) MarsdenD / S: Dawn Edith Marsden / Andrew Charles Marsden, "Drew"
_______________S3: Richie
W: Alice Virginia (Huxley) MarsdenS1: James Dimitri Marsden
D1: Susan Amelie Marsden, "Susie"
D2: Rosalie Odette Marsden, "Rosie"
S2: Felix Edwin Marsden
_______________D2: Milly
H: Matthew Edwin Rutherford, "Matt"D1: Joanna Margaret Rutherford, "Jo"
D2: Lydia Bernadette Rutherford
D3: Estelle Leona Rutherford
S1 / S2: Lucas Edmund Rutherford, "Luke" / Grayson Victor Rutherford, "Gray"***Please rate my personal name
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