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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 14
in reply to a message by Kaesy
H: Edward Elias Brewster
W: Elizabeth Rosamund Marsden BrewsterEdward & Elizabeth (Eliza); Arabelle, Luca, Isla, Duncan, and Graham.D: Arabelle Alice Brewster Crawford
-H: Cedric Allan Crawford
--S/D: Aramis Lev Crawford & Lyra Kerensa CrawfordArabelle & Cedric; Aramis (Ari) and Lyra.S: Luca Wesley Brewster
-W: Mercy Alma Bisset Brewster
--D: Seraphina Lilith Brewster
--D: Matilda Fiorenza BrewsterLuca & Mercy; Seraphina and Matilda (Tilda).D: Isla Eulalie Brewster
-BF: Cole Landon Sarno
--S: Ezekiel Samuel Sarno
--D: Maeve Tabitha Sarno
--D: Cora Elspeth SarnoIsla & Cole; Ezekiel (Zeke), Maeve, and Cora.S: Duncan Miles Brewster
-BF: Kingsley Diego ArrighettiDuncan & Kingsley.S: Graham Elias Brewster
-W: Rosemary Maureen Von Brandt Brewster
--D: Amina Emily Brewster
--S: Arlo Jasper Brewster
--D: Agnes Sophie BrewsterGraham & Rosemary (Romy); Amina, Arlo, and Agnes.
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