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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 15
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Elias Griffin Marsden
DW: Kelly Nicole (Clarke) MarsdenDD: Johanna Arietta (Marsden) Rousseau
-DH: Hugo Riley Rousseau
-DD: Olive Tamara RousseauDD: Eleonore Larissa (Marsden) Batts
-DH: Casper Dean Batts
-DS: Atlas Gideon Batts
-DD: Althea Jeanne BattsDD: Hester Camilla (Marsden) Strickland
-DH: Andres Amyas Strickland
-DD/DS: Jenny Gloria Strickland & Victor Paul Strickland
-DS: Lucius Henry StricklandDD: Miriam Charlotte (Marsden) von Brandt
-DH: Johann Ferdinand von Brandt
-DS: Dimitri Severus von Brandt
-DD: Petra Oriande von Brandt
-DS: Caspar Maynard von Brandt
-DD: Vera Epiphany von BrandtDS: Gregory Bertram Marsden
-DW: Ebba Rosemary (Vincente) Marsden
-DD: Vivienne Joy Marsden
-DD: Bernadette Lena MarsdenMy name list
top Felix & Oliver flop Lujza
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