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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 14
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Anthony Wyatt Bray
DW: Laura Christine Siddell DD: Sedna Helene Bray
DD: Evanna Simone Bray
DS: Alexander Anthony Bray
DD: Athalie Elyse Bray
DD: Finola Millicent Bray ***
DD1: Sedna Helene Bray
DH: Hugo Mitchell Rollins DD: Alaia Lovisa Rollins
DS: Dafyd Griffith Rollins ***
DD2: Evanna Simone Bray
DH: Timothy Tobin Bryce DS: Gideon Evan Bryce
DS: Grant Emil Bryce ***
DS: Alexander Anthony Bray
DW: Paulette Camille Bonnaire DS: Bastien Antoine Bray ***
DD3: Athalie Elyse Bray
DW:  Doris Virginia Kane DD: Verena Isobel Kane-Bray
DS: Miles Ernest Kane-Bray ***
DD4: Finola Millicent Bray
DH: Patrick Neil Rutherford DD: Joy Vivienne Rutherford
DD: Lena Bernadette Rutherford
DS: Lucas Patrick "Luc" Rutherford *****
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