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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 14
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Emrys Mark Wood
DW: Rosamund Araminta (Marsden) Wood---DS: Simon Prosper Wood
DW: Nadia Calliope (Black) Wood
-DD: Ariana Juno Wood
-DS: Griffith Alwyn WoodDD: Evanna Faline (Wood) Batts
DH: Casper Amyas Batts
-DS: Gideon Reilly BattsDS: Hector Abel Wood
DW: Laurel Melinoe (Strickland) WoodDS: Oscar Basil Wood
DW: Selma Thais (Lyon) Wood
-DS: Alan Christopher Wood
-DD: Mora Aveline Wood
-DD: Leona Estelle WoodDD: Nessa Adrianne (Wood) Harford
DH: Calvin Kai Harford
-DD: Joanna Vivienne Harford
-DD: Petra Isobel Harford
-DS: Kieran Oliver Harford
-DD: Rosalie Odette Harford-----
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