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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 11
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Elias Griffin Wood 'Eli'
DW: Cailin Nicole (Brewster) Wood*
DD: Maisie Adaline (Wood) Kistner
DH: Logan Charles KistnerDD: Gaia Rosaline Kistner *
DD: Selene Larissa (Wood) Ryder
DH: Emeric Dean Ryder*
DD: Isla Gwendolyn Wood
DW: Mia Laurel StricklandDD: Tessie Maeve Strickland-Wood 'Tess' *
DD: Avalon Josephine (Wood) Smalls 'Ava'
DH: Matthew Edwin Smalls 'Matt'DD: Indigo Phoebe Smalls 'Indi' *
DS: Graham Stuart Wood 'Gray'
DW: Lori Teresa (Garnet) WoodDS: Arlo Thomas Wood
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