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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 12
in reply to a message by Kaesy
H: Virgil Howell Michaud
W: Veronica Rose St. PierreD1: Lileas Seraphina Michaud
- H: Eli Tate Holmes
-- D: Laila Quinn Holmes D2: Ines Selene Michaud
- H: Dean Emeric Batts
--S: Ishmael Atlas Batts
--D: Vesta Echo Batts D3: Isla Gwendolyn Michaud
- H: Andres Oberon Ryder
--D: Cora Seraphina RyderS4: Miles Leopold Michaud
- W: Alice Teresa GarnetD5: Florence Lucy Michaud
- H: Neil Matthew Huxley
-- D: Vivienne Eudora Huxley
-- S: Emil Damien Huxley
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