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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 10
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Jonathan Anthony Bray
DW: Madeline Julie {Siddell} BrayDD: Seraphina Esther {Bray} De la Fuente
- DH: Armando Joel De la Fuente
- DD: Gaia Nephele De la FuenteDD: Philippa Ines {Bray} Collingwood
- DH: Julian Dexter CollingwoodDS: Oscar Joel Bray
- DW: Wren Leonora {Bisset} BrayDS: Rigby Atticus Bray
- DW: Teresa Ann {Smalls} Bray
- DD: Phoebe Aura BrayDD: Selah Poppy {Bray} Kane
- DH: Francis Edwin Kane
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