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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 10
in reply to a message by Kaesy
H: Virgil Caius Aguilar
W: Constance Hyacinth CliveVirgil & Constance || Kit, Anne, Cicely, Leon, and FlorenceS1: Kit Ignatius Aguilar
- W: Aimee Pippa Holmes
-- D1: Gaia Nephele AguilarKit & Aimee || GaiaD1: Anne Cornelia Aguilar
- H: Amyas Oberon RyderAnne & AmyasD2: Cicely Delyth Aguilar
- H: Casper Emeric O'HanniganCicely & CasperS2: Leon Marcellus Aguilar
- W: Alys Penelope Morgan
-- D1: Nimue Rosaline AguilarLeon & Alys || NimueD3: Florence Tessa Aguilar
- H: Lynden Llewellyn WildFlorence & Lynden 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
feminine list:
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