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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 9
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Anthony Jackson Bray
DW: Isabelle Margaret Bray (nee Smith)DD: Asphodel Johanna Rowe (nee Bray) “Azzie”
-DH: Logan Hamish RoweDD: Margarethe Selene Bray
-DH: Casper Dean StricklandDD: Delyth Jordana Ryder-Bray
-DW: Melinoe Louisa Ryder-BrayDS: Basil Elijah Bray
-DW: Virginia Doris Bray (nee Kane)DS: Obadiah Raymond Garnet-Bray
-DH: Scott Russell Garnet-BrayAnthony & Isabelle Bray: Azzie, Margarethe, Delyth, Basil, & Obadiah
Azzie & Logan Rowe
Margarethe Bray & Casper Strickland
Delyth & Melinoe Ryder-Bray
Basil & Virginia Bray
Obadiah & Scott Garnet-Bray~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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