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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 8
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: George Nathaniel McAfee
DW: Agatha Violet Olympia [Corwin] McAfeeDS: Simon Prosper McAfee
- DW: Athena Lily Foster-McAfeeDS: Gregor Romulus McAfee
- DW: Ingrid Laurel [Strickland] McAfeeDD: Eulalie Jordana [McAfee] Ryder
- DH: Oberon Emeric RyderDD: Zara Miriam McAfee
DS: Cecil Bertram McAfee
The McAfees
George & Agatha | Simon, Gregor, Eulalie, Zara, and Cecil
Simon & Athena
Gregor & Ingrid
Eulalie & Oberon
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