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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 8
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DW: Edith Theodore Rose
DW: Violet Olympia FoxDD: Keturah Lileas [Rose-Fox] Pope
- DH: Eli Hugo PopeDD: Ophelia Selene [Rose-Fox] Bonnaire
- DH: Jason Toby BonnaireDD: Cicely Jordana Rose-Fox
- DW: Bella Camille BryceDS: Basil Oscar Rose-Fox
DS: Elias Edmond Rose-FoxEdith and Violet with Keturah, Ophelia, Cicely, Basil, and Elias
- Keturah and Eli
- Ophelia and Jason
- Cicely and Bella

This message was edited 12/2/2022, 8:46 PM

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