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Radclyffe family
H (45) (separated): Tycho Cornelius Radclyffe – curly, brown hair and blue eyes
P (37): Gabriel Gianluigi Bello - curly, brown hair and brown eyes
- D (1): Nova Violetta Bello-Radclyffe - Wavy, brown hair and green eyesW (45) (separated): Amina Jale (Olsen) Radclyffe – curly, black hair and green eyes
- FD (16): Maeve Blanche [Bennett] Radclyffe - straight, red hair and brown eyes
- S (15): Ender Jude Radclyffe - curly, black hair and green eyes
- D (dec at 8): Villette Miranda - curly, black hair and green eyes
- D (12): Willow Suzan - curly, black hair and green eyes
- FS (12): Alex Callan [Bennett] Radclyffe - straight, brown hair and blue eyes
- S (10): Justus Aslan Radclyffe – curly, brown hair and blue eyes Tycho & Amina | Ender, Villette, Willow, Justus
Tycho & Gabriel | Nova
Amina | Maeve, Alex
Ender’s favorite movie, although he’d never admit it, is Zootopia.YEAR 12 Ender comes out as queer. He tells his family that he’s bisexual like their dad (though Ender prefers omnisexual). It doesn’t cause any uproar in the family, they’re just glad he could be open with them. One of his good friends seems a bit standoffish now, which Ender hopes blows over quickly.YEAR 13 Ender’s new favorite book is The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (but he still tells everyone it’s Ready Player One, which was his favorite last year).YEAR 14 Ender gets a pet of his own, a senior checkered giant rabbit named Merlin who was found living in an abandoned building. Merlin is aloof, but will sometimes come when called. He always hides from strangers, and hates other rabbits. He's intelligent and likes to figure things out. He is not very clean. He is easily entertained and can entertain himself for hours on end with a stuffed toy. He won't eat anything except his favorite food, which (aside from hay) is mustard greens and, as a special treat, he likes to eat peach as well. He loves knocking things off shelves, lick fabric (why is this a trend amongst Radclyffe animals?), prefers to sleep on top of or next to his house instead of in it, and sometimes growls when he is happy. Ender loves him madly. Pet & description generated from YEAR 15 It’s his first year of college, and Ender tries out for the swim team but doesn’t make it. He’s pretty relieved, to be honest. It would have been fun and a challenge but taken up a lot of his time and he is still focused on art which also uses quite a bit of after class time. Also, lots of supertight swim trunks (pluses and minuses on that one).

YEAR 16 Tycho and Amina have reunited against everyone’s expectations. After Tycho moved to Italy their relationship didn’t continue to deepen as they expected, and life with a baby was stressful on top of it, and Amina remained an emotional bedrock for Tycho during that time. So, when Gabriel and Tycho decided to part ways (they decided that Nova will be raised by Gabriel so she’s not taken away from the home and grandparents she knows. Tycho will visit Italy when possible and have Nova visit him too), Tycho asked Amina to take him back and she surprised him (and frankly everyone else) by saying yes. He’s moved back and the Radclyffe’s renewed their vows, but Tycho hasn’t yet moved into the old house again yet to give the kids time to adjust. YEAR 17 Ender joins the theatre club at school and really enjoys doing backstage work, especially props.YEAR 18 The whole family is shocked when Amina discovers that she’s pregnant! Surprise baby Aleyna joins the Radclyffe clan. - D (nb): Aleyna Sage Radclyffe - curly, brown hair and blue eyesYEAR 19 Ender starts dating Gareth, who he met through the theatre friends and fell for his half-cocked smile instantly. He is a linguistics major and theatre minor who also plays on the school’s pick-up soccer team. Note: rolled die for partner’s gender and physical attributes, sort of rolled for age, and used random renamer for name
-- Bf (21): Gareth Emory Woods - wavy, blonde hair and hazel eyesYEAR 20 Ender’s celebrity crush of the moment is Emily Blunt. Gareth is only partly jealous. She is smart, beautiful, and successful, he can’t disagree with that. H (54) (reunited): Tycho Cornelius Radclyffe – curly, brown hair and blue eyes
W (53) (reunited): Amina Jale (Olsen) Radclyffe – curly, black hair and green eyes- FD (24): Maeve Blanche [Bennett] Radclyffe - straight, red hair and brown eyes- S (23): Ender Jude Radclyffe - curly, black hair and green eyes
-- Bf (22): Gareth Emory Woods - wavy, blonde hair and hazel eyes- D (dec at 8): Villette Miranda - curly, black hair and green eyes
- D (20): Willow Suzan - curly, black hair and green eyes
- FS (20): Alex Callan [Bennett] Radclyffe - straight, brown hair and blue eyes
- S (18): Justus Aslan Radclyffe – curly, brown hair and blue eyes
- D (2): Aleyna Sage Radclyffe - curly, brown hair and blue eyesxP (46): Gabriel Gianluigi Bello - curly, brown hair and brown eyes
- D (9): Nova Violetta Bello-Radclyffe - Wavy, brown hair and green eyes Tycho & Amina | Ender, Villette, Willow, Justus, [Maeve, Alex], Aleyna
Tycho & Gabriel | Nova
- Ender & Gareth

This message was edited 7/5/2022, 11:48 PM

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