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Re: Generation CAF #456
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Timothy Robert Winslow Rowan
DW [dec] Elinor Margaret {Sanders} RowanDS [69] Alexander Michael Rowan
— DW [68] Sophie Esther {Novak} Rowan
— DD [41] Myka Lynn {Rowan} Perry
—- exSO [40] Zachary Daniel Perry
—- DH [43] Kiefer John Perkins
—- DS [21] Russell Shay Perry
—— SO [22] Maeve Elizabeth Reid
—- DS [9] Kayden Anthony Perkins
—- DS [9] Konnor Dennis Perkins
—- DD [8] Libby Edythe Paige Perkins
—- DD [6] Emery Maxine Avis Perkins
—- DD [nb] Jolie Zelda Alice Perkins
— DS [29] Stephen Wesley RowanDS [63] Kenneth Jesse Rowan
— DW [55] Dominika Pulkrábková
[DWsExDH [58] Shlomo Vardi]
— DWsDS [30] Pavel Vincenc Vardi
— DWsDS [26] Deror Klement Vardi
—- Df [27] Nyree Gabrielle Cook
[DfsExDH [27] James Matthew Maurice Bennett]
—- DfsDS [5] Toby James Bennett
— DWsDS [23] Dov Alois Vardi
—- SO [21] Yasmine Nichole Hamidi
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
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Alicia Cook
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