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Re: Generation CAF #6
DH [85] Michael Henry (Stevens)
DW [89] Betty Helen (Mills)DD1 [66] Rosemary Lee
DD2 [62] Charlotte Doris “Lottie”
DS1 [58] Henry Shawn***DD1 [66] Rosemary Lee
DH [68] Bernard Matthew (Jacobson)DS [47] Jesse Marcus
-DW [47] Natalie Regina (Klein)
--DD [26] Lydia Nancy
---DH [29] Brendan Edgar (Marshall)
----DS [8] Joel Victor
----DS [6] Eli Thomas
----DD [2] Isabel Lucia
--DS [23] Josiah Frank
--DD [18] Elizabeth Sarah “Elsie”
--DS [15] Malachi GeorgeDS [45] Louis Jack
-DW [46] Erin Laura (Woodward)
--DS [25] Andre Chandler
---DW [27] Daisy Gabriella (Conrad)
----DD [4] Laila Juliette
----DD [1] Iris Melody
--DD [25] Rachel Kayla
---DH [25] Ethan Patrick (Morgan)
----DS [3] Blake Timothy
--DD [21] Emma DestinyDD [41] Erica Lauren
-DH [44] Jacob Edward (Rasmussen)
--DD [19] Sadie Meghan
--DD [19] Molly Jade
--DS [17] Joshua Daniel
--DS [13] Isaiah Mason
--DD [10] Ruby Mariah DD [38] Hannah Desiree
-DH [38] Jonathan Eric (Willis)
--DS [18] Wyatt Xavier
--DD [16] Madelyn Danielle***DD2 [62] Charlotte Doris “Lottie”
DH [61] Christopher Stephen “Kit” (Randolph)DD [42] Bridget Kendra
-DH [42] Isaac Francisco (Branch)
--DD [22] Zoe Marissa
---DH [18] Dakota Ricardo (Byrd)DD [39] Bethany Candace “Beth”DS [35] Levi Emmanuel
-DW [37] Mary Katherine (Yoder)
--DS [14] Jordan Zachary
--DS [12] Micah Bryce
--DD [10] Eva Naomi DD [33] Renee Priscilla DD [33] Rebekah Grace
-DH [34] Jamie Terrance (Hahn)
--DD [11] Chloe AriannaDS [31] Luke Wesley
-DW [31] Arielle Tabitha (Schultz)***DS1 [58] Henry Shawn
DW [58] Audrey Gwendolyn (Hawkins)DD [37] Kristy Monique
-DH [40] Billy Christian (Miles)
--DD [17] Ellie Nadia
--DS [15] Evan RobertDS [37] Dominic BrendanDS [34] Oscar Julian
-DW [33] Breanna Robin (Harper)DD [32] Jasmine Kelsey
-DH [36] Vincent Austin (Massey)
--DS [13] Maxwell Collin “Max”DS [30] Trevor PaulSarah -
Wife to DH Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
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