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Re: Years of your life Game- Part 2(11-20 years)
DH: (41) Martin Jaycob Clane
DW: (41) Toni Joanna (Terrence) ClaneDS1: (15) Jason Remy Clane
DD1: (me) (11) Gracelyn Nazia Clane
DS2: (8) Caleb Griffin Clane
DDog: (12) Emily the CorgiYear 11: My friend Quinten was adopted. Sadly, our corgi Emily died at 12 years old. I am upset but I will get over it after a while. I have a new favorite movie which is Iron man! I love superhero movies!Year 12: After a lot more practice for softball I try out for the middle school softball team. I made it. My whole family and friends are very proud of me, especially my mom, who was on the softball team when she was my age.Year 13: I start a new hobby of fishing. My dad and I like to go fishing on Saturdays. We have lots of fun and we always make each other laugh.Year 14: My family decides to homeschool me. I am devastated. I will really miss my friends. But maybe it is for the best, I don’t really pay attention much.Year 15: I am worried that me and Quinten are not becoming friends anymore, we don’t talk as much.Year 16: Me and my family move to my grandma’s city in Louisiana. I am still being homeschooled. I will miss my friends but I will make new ones.Year 17: Quinten’s parents agreed that Quinten could temporarily stay with our family to visit. I also get in trouble at school and get suspended for 4 days. My parents are disappointed.Year 18: Me and Quinten start dating! He has permanently moved in with us for now. I start learning a new language: French. It is so fun to learn about.Year 19: My brother Caleb gets sick! I am worried because he had to be taken to the hospital! But, it will most likely not cause permanent damage.Year 20: I try out for my college softball team and I did not make it. But my parents are proud of me for trying!
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