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Re: Generation CAF #453
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [78] Abraham Valentine Gates
DW [dec] Angela Maureen [Millard] GatesDS1 [57] Paul Valentine Gates
DS2 [55] Rowan Abraham Gates Abraham & Angela; Paul and Rowan ~~~~~
DS1 [57] Paul Valentine Gates
DW [57] Estella Corinne [Blair] GatesPaul & Estella; Daniel, Alison, and Robert DS1 [34] Daniel Valentine Gates
- DW [31] Aintza Garrastazu
-- DD1/DD2 [8] Audrey Estella Gates / Nerea Angela GatesDaniel & Aintza; Audrey and NereaDD [33] Alison Maureen Gates
- ExH [32] Eric Anthony Chandler
-- DD1 [8] Elizabeth Maureen Chandler
-- DD2 [7] Antonia Rosalind Chandler
- DFiancé [32] Sean Morris Varley
{- DFiancé’s ExW [31] Eleanor Abigail Kate Jeanes}
-- DFiancé’s DD [4] Rose Caroline VarleyAlison & Eric; Elizabeth and Antonia
Sean & Eleanor; Rose
Alison & SeanDS2 [27] Robert Abraham Gates~~~~~
DS2 [55] Rowan Abraham Gates
DW [55] Felicity Vincenza [Balbino] GatesRowan & Felicity; Sam and John DS1 [dec] Samuel Rowan Gates “Sam
- SO [30] Emilija Razbornik
-- DD [7] Alina Felicity GatesSam & Emilija; AlinaDS2 [26] John Abraham GatesJohn & Corinna
- DW [29] Corinna Ugochi Okwaraji
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