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Re: This or That CAF #8
DH: Angel Leonardo Sommer
DW: Raya Anabella [Archer] SommerDD: Violet Aurora
- DH: Victor Owen
- DS: Felix JudahDS: Jason Hugo (twin)
- DH: Noah Valentino
- DAS: Titus GideonDD: Gwen Elle (twin)
- DH: Asa Dean
- DS: Quinton Ulises
- DD: Harmony EveDS: Otis Edison
- DH: Hudson Elijah
- DAD: Sarah JolenaAngel and Raya with Violet, Jason, Gwen, and Otis
- Violet and Victor with Felix
- Jason and Noah with Titus
- Gwen and Asa with Quinton and Harmony
- Otis and Hudson with Sarah
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