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Re: generation caf | 061922
DH [89] Wyatt Lawrence Harvey
DW [82] Priscilla Jeanne {Matthews} HarveyDD [58] Adele Sara {Harvey} Kirby
DS [49] Samuel Lawrence Harvey
DS [42] Nolan Miles Harvey*DD [58] Adele Sara {Harvey} Kirby
DH [59] Wesley Peter KirbyDS [34] Charles Roy Kirby
— DH [34] Brandon Scot Sims
— DS [2] Mason David Kirby-Sims*DS [49] Samuel Lawrence Harvey
DW [46] Katherine Vivian {James} HarveyDS [18] Pierce Frederick Harvey
DD [14] Kaelyn Rose Harvey*DS [42] Nolan Miles Harvey
DW [43] Carla Kathryn {Escobar} HarveyDD [17] Hailee Vanessa Harvey
DD [12] Macy Jennifer Harvey
DD [10] Lilah Elisabeth Harvey
DS [8] Kellen Nathaniel Harvey
DS [8] Dashiell Edward Harvey
DD [5] McKenna Irene Harvey
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
Track Sixteen
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Alicia Cook
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