Re: generation caf | 052222
in reply to a message by miss_lolita143
DH[65]: Jesse David Yoder
DW[64]: Leslie Cassandra [McKay] Yoder
DS[40]: Bryson Miles Yoder
DW[31]: Margaret Alicia Yoder
Jesse and Leslie with Bryson and Margaret
DS[40]: Bryson Miles Yoder
-DW[36]: Adrianne Cassidy [Sloane] Yoder
-DD[10]: Kyla Penelope Yoder
-DS[8]: Keaton Christopher Yoder
-DD[7]: Kimber Kathleen Yoder
Bryson and Adrianne with Kyla, Keaton, and Kimber
DW[31]: Margaret Alicia Yoder
-DFiancee[34]: Joni Diane Byrd
Margaret and Joni
DW[64]: Leslie Cassandra [McKay] Yoder
DS[40]: Bryson Miles Yoder
DW[31]: Margaret Alicia Yoder
Jesse and Leslie with Bryson and Margaret
DS[40]: Bryson Miles Yoder
-DW[36]: Adrianne Cassidy [Sloane] Yoder
-DD[10]: Kyla Penelope Yoder
-DS[8]: Keaton Christopher Yoder
-DD[7]: Kimber Kathleen Yoder
Bryson and Adrianne with Kyla, Keaton, and Kimber
DW[31]: Margaret Alicia Yoder
-DFiancee[34]: Joni Diane Byrd
Margaret and Joni