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Re: generation caf | 052222 [2]
DH [74] Robert Geoffrey Booth
DW [69] Evelyn Adrienne {Barrett} BoothDD [50] Elizabeth Claire {Booth} Brooks
DD [47] Barbara Bernadette {Booth} Wright
DS [42] Roland Francis Booth
DS [37] Thomas Aaron Booth
DD [35] Jennifer Carey Booth
DS [35] Samuel Anthony Booth*DD [50] Elizabeth Claire {Booth} Brooks
DH [55] Israel Burton BrooksDS [25] Nicholas Martin Brooks
— DW [22] Gillian Jane {Mora} Brooks
— DS [4] Alexander Matthew Brooks*DD [47] Barbara Bernadette {Booth} Wright
exDH [47] Nathaniel Patrick Wright
Dbf [49] Abraham David MoodyDS [25] Wesley John WrightDS [24] Timothy George Wright
— DW [22] Karlee Aileen {Clarke} WrightDbfsDD [21] Bonnie Veronica Moody
DbfsDD [18] Celine Katherine Moody
DS [16] Elijah Todd Wright*DS [42] Roland Francis Booth
DW [dec] Cassandra Michelle {Zavala} BoothDD [17] Michaela Eleanor Booth
DD [12] Jaylee Faith Booth
DS [11] Clayton Andrew Booth
DS [9] Lawson James Booth*DS [37] Thomas Aaron Booth
Dgf [32] Madelyn Rose Kennedy
{exDbf [32] Vaughn Dominic Atkins}DgfsDS [8] Aidan Brennan Atkins*DD [35] Jennifer Carey Booth
Df [34] Jeremy Michael Douglas*DS [35] Samuel Anthony Booth
DW [31] Victoria Simone {Berry} BoothDS [8] Hudson Dean Booth
DS [3] Graham Avery Booth
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
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Alicia Cook
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