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Re: CAF Generation
H: [86] Jasper Rupert Zachary (LN: Younge)
exW: [85] Charity Mireille (LN: Scott)S1: [59] Rupert Scott Freedom
D1: [57] Hannah RosemaryW: [75] Ruth Gloria “Ruthie” (LN: Henshaw)D2: [45] Ruby Jasmine******S1: [59] Rupert Scott Freedom
W: [55] Ariadne Matilda “Ari” (LN: Baldwin)S: [29] Oliver Scott Jeremiah
-W: [29] Josephine Loretta “Josie” (LN: Brodie)
-S: [3] Rupert Edwin Patrick “Edwin”
-D: [1] Renee Elisabeth Ariadne
-S: [exp] Timothy Franklin Oliver “Timmy”D: [26] Maya Ariadne
-H: [30] Samuel Bernard “Sam” (LN: Dawson-Brown)
-S: [2] Samuel Henry “Henry”S: [24] David William
D: [22] Bethany Cora “Beth”
S: [19] Gabriel Theodore Jasper
D: [13] Phoebe Katherine Genevieve******D1: [57] Hannah Rosemary
H: [57] Eliezer Raphael Keegan (LN: Story)S: [20] Caspian Felix Michael
S: [17] Vincent Francis Hugo
S: [14] Willoughby Holden Oscar******D2: [45] Ruby Jasmine
H: [50] Zechariah Luke (LN: Murray)D: [25] Willow Anastasia
-H: [25] Jack Maxwell (LN: Ramsay)
-S: [exp] Joel ChristianS: [23] Everton Trevor “Ever”******Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
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