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Re: Victorian Congrats (round 4)
DH [dec. at 43] Lord Absalom Lawrence Elliston-Marchford
DW [43] Harriet Eliza Elliston-Marchford (nee de Bretton)DD [dec. at 21] Rachel Bridget Grimm (nee Elliston-Marchford)
-DH [21] William Jesse GrimmDS [dec. at 19] Nathaniel Simon Elliston-Marchford
DD [dec. at 16] Caroline Charlotte Elliston-Marchford
DD [14] Hannah Eleanor Elliston-Marchford
DD [dec. at 10] Winifred Isabella Elliston-MarchfordLord Absalom & Harriet Elliston-Marchford: Rachel, Nathaniel, Caroline, Hannah, & Winifred
Rachel & William Grimm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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