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Re: Victorian Congrats (round 4)
DH [dec, 35]: Mark Stephen Swynford
DW [42]: Jemima Esther (Cann) Pritchard
-DH [40]: Idris Rhidian PritchardDS [19]: Philip Justus Swynford
-DW [19]: Moll Ann (Blackburn) SwynfordDS [12]: Henry Abraham SwynfordDespite trying for years Jemima and Idris remained childless. To everyone's surprise Philip married shortly after his eighteenth birthday and moved out of the house. Moll is daughter of their neighbors and he knew her ever since they were little kids and despite not being in love with her he concluded he would rather marry someone he knew. They rent a room in the city where Philip works in a bookshop while Moll is babysitting kids of the other couple that lives in the same house for a rather small wage. Henry is bored with school and always have been, he'd rather spend all his time at the stables taking care of the horses. Jemima is rather worried about her younger son.My name list
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