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Re: Victorian Congrats (round 4)
H [dec at 59] Absalom Harry Edwards
W [53] Lady Caroline Lucy MontaguAbsalom & Caroline || Phoebe, Frances, Jonathan, Simon, Joan, and RogerD1 [dec at 20] Phoebe Sophia Edwards
D2 [26] Frances Lydia Edwards
S1 [23] Jonathan Luke Edwards
S2 [19] Simon Anthony Edwards
D3 [18] Joan Eliza Edwards
S3 [15] Roger Nathaniel EdwardsParamour [34] Louis Albert di LaurentisCaroline & Louis~D2 [26] Frances Lydia Edwards
H [34] Robert Butch RavenswoodFrance & Robert || Jack, Amelia, and WilliamS [3] Jack Harvey Ravenswood
D [2] Amelia Belle Ravenswood
S [1] William Frank Ravenswood~S2 [19] Simon Anthony Edwards
Fiancée [18] Violet Grace Le FaySimon & Violet || MinnieD [exp] Minnie Kate EdwardsShortly after turning 50, Caroline starts an affair with a man significantly younger and more handsome than her husband. While his name is Louis Albert de Laurentis, she knows him by the affectionate nickname "bunny", and he is known to the papers as Slippery Sal, due to his tendency to avoid getting caught by the police when breaking into elegant houses to steal finery, jewellery, and cutlery.He met Caroline when, after sneaking into her boudoir to steal her elegant silk shawl, it got caught in the hinges of the window and ripped quite loudly, waking Caroline and summoning her to the boudoir immediately. While she mourned the tragic demise of her favourite shawl, the dark and handsome stranger apologising profusely inspired a passion she had not felt in years. They agreed that he shall sneak through the same window with some regularity, but without stealing any more shawls.Absalom catches them in flagrante two years into their secretive dalliance, and promptly passes away from a heart attack. His children mourn him deeply, not knowing the cause of his death.Frances marries Robert Ravenswood, who did business with her father - a burly and tall man who moved to the United States with his father when he was five, after his mother's early death. He returned to his native England at 30, started working for Absalom, and quickly became smitten with his studious and understated daughter. They have three children, all born within a year of each other: Jack, Amelia, and William.Simon gets engaged quite hastily to the stern and beautiful Violet Le Fay, younger sister to one of his university chums. Rumour has it that the engagement was not the result of love and admiration, but rather of Violet's swelling waist.masculine list:
feminine list:

This message was edited 5/2/2022, 8:16 AM

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