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Re: CAF Generation
H: [86] William Arthur Tisdale
W: [81] Alexandra Faith Tisdale (nee Walker)S1: [58] William Arthur Tisdale Jr. “Will”
S2: [52] Chase Levi Tisdale
S3: [50] David Alston Tisdale
D1: [48] Bree Sandra Tisdale
S4: [42] Josiah Lionell TisdaleWilliam & Alexandra Tisdale: Will, Chase, David, Bree, & Josiah
S1: [58] William Arthur Tisdale Jr. “Will”
exW: [53] Rachel Fai BarkerD: [32] Rachel Fai Ford (nee Tisdale) “Rache”
-H: [35] John Leland Ford
-S: [7] John Leland Ford Jr. “JJ”
-S: [4] Skyler Yohan FordS: [27] William Arthur Tisdale III “Liam”
-W: [26] Ashley Sarena Tisdale (nee Bryant)
-S: [exp] William Arthur Tisdale IV “Bill”S: [23] Andal Elijah Tisdale
S: [13] Barker Anthony TisdaleW: [44] Brooke Calinda Tisdale (nee Barstow)D: [7] Arianna Natalie Tisdale
S: [4] Garland Jake TisdaleWill Tisdale & Rachel Barker: Rache, Liam, Andal, & Barker
Will & Brooke Tisdale: Arianna & Garland
Rache & John Ford: JJ & Skyler
Liam & Ashley Tisdale: Bill
S2: [52] Chase Levi Tisdale
W: [50] Lolla Kealy Tisdale (nee Gorham)S: [26] Aldrick Odell TisdaleS: [24] Colonel Lazar Tisdale “Cole”
-W: [22] Nicole Kylie Tisdale (nee Glass)Chase & Lolla Tisdale: Aldrick & Cole
Cole & Nicole Tisdale
S3: [50] David Alston Tisdale
W: [44] Amanda Verity Tisdale (nee Waterman)D: [21] Alida Karlee Tisdale
D: [18] Chelsea Amanda Tisdale
S: [16] Alexander William Tisdale
D: [13] Emily Alexandra Tisdale
S: [9] Daniel Fielding Tisdale
S: [1] Jacob Lincoln TisdaleDavid & Amanda Tisdale: Alida, Chelsea, Alexander, Emily, Daniel, & Jacob
D1: [48] Bree Sandra Jones (nee Tisdale)
H: [51] Steven Nathaniel JonesD: [27] Adella Gracie Stephens (nee Jones)
-H: [31] Hayes Taron Stephens
-D: [nb] Ashley Faith StephensS: [26] Steven Nathaniel Jones Jr. “Steve”S: [24] Alastair Samuel Jones
-W: [24] Sophie Tayla Jones (nee Rossiter)
-D: [exp] Sophie Tayla Jones “Soph”D: [17] Gisa Sailor Jones
S: [12] William Arthur Jones “Willy”
S: [10] Alston Levi JonesBree & Steven Jones: Adella, Steve, Alastair, Gisa, Willy, & Alston
Adella & Hayes Stephens: Ashley
Alastair & Sophie Jones: Soph
S4: [42] Josiah Lionell Tisdale
W: [44] Lila Jennifer Tisdale (nee Swansey)D: [9] Adelina Jonquille TisdaleJosiah & Lila Tisdale: Adelina~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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