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Re: CAF initials
DH: Zebulun Baruch Goldstein
DW: Sarah Zipporah Blumenthal
DS: Elihu Zebulun Goldstein
DD: Ronit Raphaela Goldstein
DD: Nessa Mariamne Goldstein
DD: Yemima Glafira Goldstein
DH: Elihu Zebulun Goldstein
DW: Rose Renata Jackman
DS: Rockwell Matthias "Rocky" Goldstein
DD: Selma Ophelia Goldstein
DW: Ronit Raphaela Goldstein
DH: Dorian Caspar Janeway
DD: Demelza Judith Janeway
DS: Phineas Martin Janeway
DS: Norbert Jonathan Janeway
DW: Nessa Mariamne Goldstein
DH: Zalman Akiva Trachtenberg
DD: Peninnah Maud Trachtenberg
DD: Ofira Tansy Trachtenberg
DW: Yemima Glafira Goldstein
DH: Anatole Gervais Michaud
DS: Rex Théophile Michaud
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I appreciate the jewish names, but just so you know, a man named Baruch Goldstein commited a very big massacre in the city of Hebron back in 1994. name has sort of a bad connotation.
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