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Re: generation caf | 042522
DH[85]: Louis Benjamin Bauer
DW[83]: Grace Jessica [McCoy] BauerDD[60]: Katherine Abigail Bauer
DS[52]: Thomas Jesse BauerLouis & Grace; Katherine and Thomas ******
DD[60]: Katherine Abigail Bauer
-DH[61]: Xavier Abel StewartKatherine & Xavier; Nicole, Christine, Sean, Zoe, and Joseph -DD[35]: Nicole Georgia Stewart -DD[35]: Christine Ashley Stewart
--DW[39]: Alicia Danielle Becker
--DS/DS[4]: Oliver Jeremy Stewart / Grant Dennis Stewart Christine & Alicia; Oliver and Grant-DS[33]: Sean Edmund Stewart
--DGF[30]: Catherine Melanie Stevenson
--DGF’sD[8]: Anastasia Juliet Stevenson “AnyaSean & Catherine; Anya -DD[27]: Zoe Sage Stewart
--DFiance[27]: Peter Jacob MillsZoe & Peter-DS[23]: Joseph Gilbert Stewart
--DGF[19]: Lucy Elizabeth WigginsJoseph & Lucy ******
DS[52]: Thomas Jesse Bauer
-xW[44]: Kendra Teresa SheaThomas & Kendra; Eva, Annabel, and Audrey -DD[14]: Eva Jillian Shea
-DD[8]: Annabel Hope Shea
-DD[6]: Audrey Isabel Shea-DW[41]: Sophia Vivian Dawson
{DBF[dec]: John Kelvin Tate}Sophia & John; Paul and Charles
Sophia & Thomas -DstepS[9]: Paul Avery Tate
-DstepS[5]: Charles Alan Tate

This message was edited 4/26/2022, 9:06 AM

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