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Re: Victorian Congrats
H [45] Absalom Harry Edwards
W [38] Lady Caroline Lucy MontaguAbsalom & Caroline || Phoebe, Frances, Jonathan, Simon, Joan, and RogerD1 [16] Phoebe Sophia Edwards
D2 [11] Frances Lydia Edwards
S1 [8] Jonathan Luke Edwards
S2 [4] Simon Anthony Edwards
D3 [3] Joan Eliza Edwards
S3 [0] Roger Nathaniel EdwardsThe columns were shocked when the 21 year-old Lady Caroline Montagu, the Duke of Marbolough only daughter, eloped with the wealthy but titleless Absalom Edwards, who made his money in the railway business. While Caroline was the Duke's favourite child, which led him to allow her to keep her title - a small mercy - none of her children would be eligible to inherit the Duchy.17 years later, Absalom and Lady Caroline live rather happily in Belgravia with their six children. Their eldest, Phoebe, is 16, while their youngest, Roger, was born a few months ago.masculine list:
feminine list:
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I swear, I did not copy you when I posted about a Lady Caroline Montagu eloping with an untitled but rich industry man! lol
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Great minds :)
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