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Re: generation caf | 042422
DH[73]: Benjamin HoytBenBlake
DW[73]: Anna Caroline Terry-Blake
Ben & Anna: Joseph, Nicholas and MatthewDS[52]: Joseph PatrickJoeBlake
DS[48]: Nicholas GeorgeNickBlake
DS[45]: Matthew IsaacMattBlake
DS[52]: Joe Blake
-DW[52]: Elizabeth MarthaLiz” Pearson-Blake
Joe & Liz: Nora, Victoria, Rachel and John
Grandkids: Garrett and Lara-DD[28]: Nora Geneva Blake-Kirk
--DH[31]: Richard LawrenceRichieKirk
Richie & Nora: Garrett and Lara --DS[5]: Garrett Theodore Kirk
--DD[1]: Lara Jane Kirk -DD[25]: Victoria Christine Kirk
--DFiance[23]: Jasper Forrest Farrell -DD[20]: Rachel Eleanor Kirk
-DS[18]: John Rodney Kirk
DS[48]: Nick Blake
-DW[47]: Delia Camille Weeks-Blake
Nick & Delia: Leila, Claire, Georgia and viola-DD[19]: Leila Blake
-DD[19]: Claire Blake
-DD[15]: Georgia Blake
-DD[10]: Viola Blake
DS[45]: Matt Blake
-DW[40]: Rosalyn Leona Carson-Blake
Matt & Rosalyn: Charles and James-DS[12]: Charles DavidCharlieBlake
-DS[3]: James Arthur Blake
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