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Re: generation caf | 042422
DH[73]: Randall Morton "Randy" Wolf
DW[73]: Anna Veronica [Herring] WolfDS[52]: Joseph Hiram Wolf
DS[48]: Nicholas Kendrick Wolf
DS[45]: Matthew Isaac WolfRandy and Anna with Joseph, Nicholas, and Matthew*****DS[52]: Joseph Hiram Wolf
-DW[52]: Alana Elizabeth [Lowe] Wolf-DD[28]: Nora Alexandra [Wolf] Osborne
--DH[31]: Albert Omar Osborne
--DS[5]: Harlan Theodore Osborne
--DD[1]: Lara Jane Osborne-DD[25]: Kristine Cassandra Wolf
--DFiance[23]: Jasper Kieran Farrell-DS[21]: Bailey Titus Wolf
-DD[20]: Frances Joanna Wolf
-DS[18]: Marlon Rodney WolfJoseph and Alana with Nora, Kristine, Bailey, Frances, and Marlon
- Nora and Albert with Harlan and Lara
- Kristine and Jasper
******DS[48]: Nicholas Kendrick Wolf
-DW[47]: Delia Alejandra [Estrada Molina] Wolf-DD[19]: Scarlet Michaela Wolf
-DD[19]: Willa Dolores Wolf
-DD[15]: Laura Bianca Wolf
-DD[10]: Shelby Viola WolfNicholas and Delia with Scarlet, Willa, Laura, and Shelby******DS[45]: Matthew Isaac Wolf
-DW[40]: Leona Antoinette [Blackburn] Wolf-DS[12]: Vincent Sage Wolf
-DS[7]: Beckham Major Wolf
-DS[3]: Arthur Winston WolfMatthew and Leona with Vincent, Beckham, and Arthur
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