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Re: Royal congrats #8
in reply to a message by ari.
H [dec] Edmund I, King of East Anglia
W [71] Rohesia of Northumbria, Dowager Queen of East AngliaD1 [dec] Rosamund of East Anglia
- H [57] John Swynford, 3rd Duke of Somerset
-- D1 [28] Lady Annabel Swynford, Countess of Lincoln
--- H [32] Gregory de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
---- S [nb] John de la Pole
-- D3 [25] Lady Dorothy Swynford, Countess of Cambridge (twin)
--- H [26] Griffin Langley, 4th Earl of Cambridge
---- S1 [8] Edmund Langley
---- S2/S3 [4] Nicholas Langley & Geoffrey Langley
---- D [1] Dionysia Langley
-- D3 [25] Lady Rosamund Swynford (twin)
--- H [35] Bartolomeo Della Scala, Viscount of Milan
---- D1/D2 [4] Guglielma Della Scala & Isabella Della Scala
---- S [1] Bartolomeo Della Scala
{- H's W2 [41] Lady Barbara de Foix, Duchess of Somerset & Countess of Kendal}
-- H's D4 [18] Lady Reveca Swynford
--- H [18] Ximeno III de Cabrera, Viscount of Cabrera
-- H's D5 [16] Lady Morana Swynford
-- H's D6 [15] Lady Capella Swynford
-- H's D7 [13] Lady Godelena Swynford
-- H's D8 [11] Lady Matilda Swynford
-- H's S [10] Denis Swynford
-- H's D9 [9] Lady Ursulina Swynford
-- H's D10 [5] Lady Oracia Swynford
{- H's Paramour [39] Constance Burnell}
-- H's D9 [14] Cecile BurnellD2 [dec] Isabel of East Anglia
- H [dec] William Ward, 2nd Baron Dudley
-- D1 [21] Emma Ward, Viscountess of Pisa
--- H [29] Apollonio da Carrara, Viscount of Pisa
---- D [1] Maria da Carrara
-- S1 [20] Krispin Ward, 4th Viscount Gormanston
--- W [18] Edith Preston, Viscountess Gormanston
-- D2 [16] Fausta Ward, Baroness of Castlehill
--- Betrothed [17] Aengus Cuthbert, 2nd Baron of Castlehill
-- S2 [15] Haemon Ward
--- Betrothed [15] Sence Vives y Tudela, Baroness of Montichelvo
-- D3 [10] Evita Ward
{- H's W2 [32] Alessandra da Carrara, Dowager Baroness Dudley}
-- H's D4 [4] Willa Ward
-- H's D5 [1] Aldreda Ward
-- H's D6 [nb] Jocosa WardD3 [46] Cecily of East Anglia
- H [45] Oliver de Camoys, 4th Baron Camoys
-- D1 [dec] Alice de Camoys
-- D2 [22] Eleanor de Camoys, Duchess of Ferrara
--- Former Betrothed [42] Fabiano di Gallura, Duke of Sardinia
--- H [21] Giorgio d'Este, Duke of Ferrara
---- D [nb] Giovanna d'Este
-- D3 [dec] Olivia de Camoys
-- S1 [14] Martin de Camoys
-- D4 [10] Lucy de Camoys
-- S2 [8] Nicholas de Camoys
-- S3 [7] Maurice de Camoys~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa
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