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Re: KUY Dice Congrats (8/10)
The West FamilyDH:[92]Daniel Ronan West
DW:[90]Carrol Aimee CousineauDD1:[55]Cassandra "Cassie" Daphne West-Brent
-DH(married):[57]Gerard Cole Brent
-DD1:[25]Piper Bernadette Brent
-DS1:[25]Timothy Marcel Brent
-DS1:[15]Miguel Xavier BrentDS1:[52]Liam Roland West
-Ex DW(divorced):[50]Millicent "Millie" Christabel Moon(still isn't married)
-DS1:[19]Gideon Ulysses West-Moon
-DD1:[19]Gillian Sophia West-Moon
-DS1:[10]Oswald Melvin West-Moon
-DD1:[10]Madelon "Maddie" Kendall West-MoonDS1:[49]Fabian Scott West
-DW(married):[48]Mercia Margaux Osbourne
-DS1:[25]Rian Conor West
-DS2:[15]Lucas Nilo West
-DS3:[10]Nikos Eric WestDS1:[47]Adrian Arthur West
-DW(married):[44]Claudia Linet Colbert
-DD1:[22]Juliet Sheryl West
-DD2:[20]Tawnie Magaly West
-DD3:[14]Jeanne Sylvia West
-DS1:[12]Harold "Harry" Calvin West“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” - Andre Gide
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