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Re: Generation CAF #444 – Year 1930
in reply to a message by Uilos
H [b. 1831, d. 1890] Victor Henry Wyldon Jowett, 4th Earl of Pembroke
W1 [b. 1834, d. 1875] Lady Lucy [Blackwell] Jowett, Countess of Pembroke Victor & Lucy; Emily, David, Eleanor, and Caroline D1 [b. 1864] Lady Emily Catherine Victoria Isabel [Jowett] Burgess, Baroness of Pembroke
S1 [b. 1866, d. 1923] David Antony Blackwell Wyldon Jowett, 5th Earl of Pembroke
D2 [b. 1870] Lady Eleanor Sophronia Lucy Jane Jowett
D4 [b. 1874] Lady Caroline Margaret Olivia Valentine JowettW2 [b. 1856, d. 1929] Lady Christine Margery [Clarke] Jowett, Countess of PembrokeVictor & Christine; Spencer and Nicholas S2 [b. 1880, d. 1923] Colonel The Honorable Spencer Philip Victor Wyldon Jowett
S3 [b. 1882, d. 1929] The Honorable Nicholas Andrew Clarke Wyldon Jowett~~~~~
D1 [b. 1864] Lady Emily Catherine Victoria Isabel [Jowett] Burgess, Baroness of Pembroke
H1 [b. 1851, d. 1887] The Honorable William Thomas Richard Bryce
H2 [b. 1846, d. 1921] Edward Farthing Burgess, 1st Baron of LeightonEmily & William
Emily & Edward; Celeste, Adelaide, Petra, and LucyD1 [b. 1892] The Honorable Celeste Amelia Lucy Blackwell Burgess
- ExH [b. 1889] Robert Charles Sutherland-CampbellCeleste & Robert D2 [b. 1893] The Honorable Adelaide Victoria Sophia Honora [Burgess] Bruce
- H [b. 1888] Sir Giles Wyndham Bruce, 1st Baronet
-- D [b. 1916] Helen Jessica Lucy Theodora BruceJessicaAdelaide & Giles; Jessica D3 [b. 1896] The Honorable Petra Loren Valerie Sabina [Burgess] Fosse-Howell
- ExH [b. 1885] Simon Fosse-Howell, 2nd Baron of Rochdale
-- D1 [b. 1915] The Honorable Petra Mary Dahlia Fosse-Howell “Dahlia
-- D2 [b. 1917] The Honorable Gwendolyn Sarah Isabel Emily Fosse-Howell “SarahPetra & Simon; Dahlia and SarahD4 [b. 1903] The Honorable Lucy Irene Matilda Emily Burgess
- ExH [b. 1903] Douglas Oliver Ambrose Peele “Oliver
- H [b. 1903] Adam Bennett Galpin YeatsLucy & Oliver; Adam ~~~~~
S1 [b. 1866, d. 1923] David Antony Blackwell Wyldon Jowett, 5th Earl of Pembroke
W [b. 1876] Lady Marina Susanna Laura Zenaida [Wilmshurst] Jowett, Dowager Countess of Pembroke / Mrs Dalloway
{W’s H2 [b. 1879] Lieutenant Colonel Michael Wilberforce Dalloway}David & Marina; Nelson and LucyS [b. 1898] Nelson Clifford Frederick Rowland Alexander Jowett, 6th Earl of Pembroke
- W [b. 1900] Lady Maria Elizabeth Tenley [Thomas] Jowett , Countess of Pembroke
-- S [b. 1924] Nelson Clifford Austin Wyldon Jowett, Lord of Swanwick “Austin
-- D [b. 1925] Lady Maria Lydia Frances Jowett “LydiaNelson & Maria; Austin and Lydia D [b. 1901] Lady Lucy Alexandria Marina Jowett
- H [b. 1897] Sir Brinton Spencer Cottrell, 2nd Baronet
-- D [b. 1925] Alexandra Lucy CottrellLucy & Brinton; Alexandra ~~~~~
D2 [b. 1870] Lady Eleanor Sophronia Lucy Jane Jowett
H [b. 1868] Sir Thomas Anselm HemsworthS1 [b. 1905] Victor David Matthew Labeau Jowett Hemsworth
S2 [b. 1907] Peregrine Alfred Michael Ashton Hemsworth
S3 [b. 1913] Cecil Peter Blackwell HemsworthEleanor & Thomas; Victor David, Peregrine, Cecil~~~~~
D4 [b. 1874] Lady Caroline Margaret Olivia Valentine Jowett~~~~~
S2 [b. 1880, d. 1923] Colonel The Honorable Spencer Philip Victor Wyldon Jowett
W [b. 1889] The Honorable Rose Katherine [Wentworth] JowettD1 [b. 1911] Vivian Rose Lucina Jowett
D2 [b. 1914] Claire Audrey Antonia Jowett
D3 [b. 1916] Adele Juliette Seraphina Viola Jowell
S [b. 1922] William Alton Victor Blaise Wyldon JowettSpencer & Rose; Vivian, Claire, Adele, and William~~~~~
S3 [b. 1882, d. 1929] The Honorable Nicholas Andrew Clarke Wyldon Jowett
W [b. 1899] Kathleen Laurel [Daniels] JowettD1 [b. 1922] Kathleen Lucy Margaret Jowett “Katie
D2 [b. 1923] Matilda Carol Adrienne Jowett “Adrienne
S [b. 1926] Andrew James Nicholas Victor Wyldon JowettNicholas & Kathleen; Katie, Adrienne, and Andrew
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