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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] David John
DW [94] Susanna ThomasinDD1 [71] Sarah Annabella
DD2 [68] Caroline Elizabeth
DD3 [62] Michelle Thomasin
DS [dec] Leo David Knightley~~~~~
DD1 [71]
ExH [73] William Michael Quentin "Will"DD1 [47] Alice Thomasin "Allie"
- ExH [50] Ryan Alexander
-- DD [23] Lucy Joy
--- SO [22] JamesDominic Timothy
-- DS [21] Adrian Daniel NoahDD2 [40] Victoria Susanna Clare
- ExSO [45] Roderick George
-- DS [19] Logan BrooksDS [39] Maxwell William John "Max"*
DH [64] Ian Joel Roderick{DH’s DW1 [dec] Margaret Jane Marie}
DH’s DS1 [41] Paul Thomas CarterDH’s DS2 [39] Desmond Bennett
- SO [52] Karina Edith Frederikke
{- SO’s ExSO1 [52] Nikolaj Svend }
{- SO’s ExH [53] Stelian Lazăr}
{- SO’s ExSO2 [42] Clayton Adam}
-- SO’s DD1 [32] Jessica Silje
-- SO’s DD2 [25] Amalie Daria Katrine
--- DH [28] Tyler Stirling
---- DS1 [3] Dexter Chaplin
---- DD1/DD2/DS2 [nb] Tegan Amabella & Delaney Keira & Griffin Lachlan
-- SO’s DS1 [24] Florian Oliver
--- DFiancée [25] Cara Cecilia
---- DS1/DS2 [3] Noel Constantin & Liam Valentine
-- SO’s DS2 [24] Luca Patrick Joachim
-- SO’s DD3 [13] Margot Frances

DH’s DS3 [38] Simon Vincent
- DW1 [dec] Valerie Hina
-- DS/DD1 [16] Kate Margaret Madeline & Dillan Vincent Jeremy
- DW2 [35] Carleigh Victoria
{- DW’s ExH [35] Gordon Peter Gregory}
-- DW2’s DD1 [17] Mallory Jocelyn
-- DW’s DD2 [14] Charlotte Elizabeth
-- DD2 [exp] Gillian RamonaDH’s DS4 [36] Jack Ian
- ExW [36] Lorelei Catherine
-- DS [11] William Joel Frederick "Will"
-- DD1 [10] Ella Margaret
-- DD2 [5] Felicity Lorelei
- DFiancée [38] Noémie Laurene
{- DFiancée’s ExH [37] Alexandre Clément}
-- DFiancée’s DD1/DS [15] Amélia Bernadette & Tristan Ian
-- DFiancée’s DD2 [10] Geneviève Nora
-- DFiancée’s DD3 [9] Daphné Stella ~~~~~
DD2 [68]~~~~~
DD3 [62]
DH [63] Reilly CarsonDD [36] Delia Thomasin
- ExSO [36] Emmett Alistair Nicholas St John
-- DS1 [18] Carson Gabriel
--- SO [17] Lucie Madilyn
- ExH [36] William Roland Albert "Will"
-- DS2 [7] Silas Albert
-- DS3 [5] Heath EdwinDS1 [33] David Carson Luke
- DH [32] Filip Kamil
-- ADS [2] Garrett RafałDS2 [30] James Reilly Knightley
- ExW [32] Madeleine Sorcha
-- DD1 [8] Aisling Beatrix
-- DD2 [7] Saoirse Henriette~~~~~
DS [dec]
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