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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] David Augustine Knox
DW [94] Susanna Loveday {Pearce} KnoxDD [71] Lettice Annabella {Knox} Griffin-Potter
DD [68] Viola Elizabeth Knox
DD [62] Ariadne Loveday {Knox} Payne
DS [dec] Hollis David Regis Knox*DD [71] Lettice Annabella {Knox} Griffin-Potter
exDH [73] Clancy Albert William Griffin
DH [64] Alec Bryan Roderick Potter
[DHsExDW [dec] Margaret Rhoda Kay Carter-Potter]DD [47] Celia Loveday Griffin
— exDH [50] Alexander Nicholas Janson
— DD [23] Lucy Joy Janson
—- SO [22] Finnegan Rudy James Dayton
— DS [21] Lucas Peter Daniel JansonDHsDS [41] Timothy Carter Paul PotterDD [40] Victoria Susannah Clare Griffin
— exSO [45] George Sidney Strange
— DS [19] Brooks Reuben StrangeDS [39] Zachary Clancy Augustine GriffinDHsDS [39] Desmond Bennett Potter
— SO [52] Karina Yvonne Edith Hjort
[SOsExSO [52] Nikolaj Malte Norgaard]
[SOsExDH [53] Stelian Virgiliu Matei]
[SOsExSO [42] Martin Wesley Foley]
— SOsDD [32] Ina Jessica Norgaard
— SOsDD [25] Marinela Katrine {Matei} Nigel
—- DH [28] Stirling Dean Nigel
—- DS [3] Axel Maxen Nigel
—- DD [nb] Delta Tegan Nigel
—- DD [nb] Zebula Delaney Nigel
—- DS [nb] Creed Lachlan Nigel
— SOsDS [24] Antoniu Cosmin Philip Matei
—- Df [25] Heidi Faith Penner
—- DS [3] Everett Alan Nigel
—- DS [3] Cristian Romeo Nigel
— SOsDS [24] Denis Valeriu Luca Matei
— SOsDD [13] Saskia Margot Foley DHsDS [38] Noah Michael Potter
— DW [dec] Hina Ueda Potter
— DW [35] Coretta Jerilyn {Lambert} Emmet-Potter
[DWsExDH [35] Gregory Oscar Mervyn Emmet]
— DWsDD [17] Mallory Adrianna Emmet
— DS [16] Ayumi Rhoda Annalee Potter
— DD [16] Naoki Michael Finn Potter
— DWsDD [14] Zelda Charlotte Emmet
— DD [exp] Leona Vivienne PotterDHsDS [36] Jonathan Alec Potter
— exDW [36] Lorelei Janice {Malone} Potter
— Df [38] Anaïs Marion Fortier
[DfsExDH [37] Clément Valentin Guillet]
— DfsDD [15] Nelly Anne-Marie Guillet
— DfsDS [15] Tristan Valentin Guillet
— DS [11] Tobias Bryan Wiley Potter
— DD [10] Cicely Margaret Potter
— DfsDD [10] Adèle Coralie Guillet
— DfsDD [9] Daphné Alexia Guillet
— DD [5] Felicity Janice Potter
*DD [68] Viola Elizabeth Knox*DD [62] Ariadne Loveday {Knox} Payne
DH [63] Oliver Joseph PayneDD [36] Mabelle Loveday {Payne} Gladwin
— exSO [36] Nicholas Benedict Boyd Nelson
— exDH [36] Aubrey William Roland Gladwin
— DS [18] Joseph Gabriel Nelson
—- SO [17] Elena Sophia Church
— DS [7] Silas Roland Gladwin
— DS [5] Harvey Paul GladwinDS [33] Augustine Oliver Luke Payne
— DH [32] Kamil Waldermar Sokal
— ADS [2] Clayton Ignacy Sokal-PayneDS [30] Martin Oliver Regis Payne
— exDW [32] Mairéad Genevieve Spillane
— DD [8] Beatrix Cassandra Payne
— DD [7] Isadora Fiadh Payne*DS [dec] Hollis David Regis Knox
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
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