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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec]: Augustine Barnaby Knox
DW [94]: Susanna Almina LockwoodDD1 [71]: Rose Henrietta Potter (née Lockwood-Knox, formerly Chambers)
DD2 [68]: Viola Caroline Lockwood-Knox
DD3 [62]: Ariadne Almina Lockwood-Knox
DS1 [dec]: Morgan Augustine Regis Lockwood-KnoxAugustine & Susanna; Rose, Viola, Ariadne, and Morgan***DD1 [Rose, 71]:*ExH [73]: Albert Clancy Quentin ChambersDD [47]: Demetria Almina Chambers (formerly Albright)
- ExH [50]: Nicholas Alexander Albright "Nick"
- DD [23]: Clio Joy Albright
-- SO [22]: Dominic Finnegan James Yates
- DS [21]: Noah Oliver Remy AlbrightDD [40]: Alexandra Susanna Grace Chambers
- ExSO [45]: Frederick George Coleman
- DS [19]: Phineas Alexander ColemanDS [39]: Jonah Albert Barnaby ChambersRose & Albert; Demetria, Alexandra, and Jonah
Demetria & Nick; Clio and Noah
Clio & Dominic
Alexandra & Frederick; Phineas*DH [64]: Alec Joel Ian Potter
{DH'sDW1 [dec]: Cornelia Margaret Marie Potter (née Carter)}DH'sDS [41]: Timothy Jacob Carter Potter "Tim"DH'sDS [39]: Leonard Cornelius Potter "Leo"
- SO [52]: Lisbet Edith Sif Hjort (formerly Vasilescu)
{- SO'sExSO1 [52]: Nikolaj Jørn Norgaard}
{- SO'sExH [53]: Stelian Virgiliu Vasilescu}
{- SO'sExSO2 [42]: Wesley Martin Aitken}
- SO'sDD [32]: Mathilde Victoria Norgaard
- SO'sDD [25]: Sabina Amalie Katrine Newton (née Vasilescu)
-- DH [28]: Dean Matthew Newton
-- DS [3]: Dexter Axel Newton "Dex"
-- DD/DD/DS [nb]: Tegan Amabella Newton & Zebula Novalea Newton & Onyx Lachlan Newton
- SO'sDS [24; twin]: Antoniu Cosmin Oliver Vasilescu
-- DF [25]: Faith Cara Penner
-- DS/DS [3]: Noel Constantin Vasilescu & Romeo Valentine Vasilescu
- SO'sDS [24; twin]: Joachim Gustav Luca Vasilescu
- SO'sDD [13]: Frances Hilda Aitken "Frankie"DH'sDS [38]: Vincent Michael Potter
- DW1 [dec]: Hina Kotone Hashimoto
- DS/DD [16]: Ayumi Margaret Madeline Potter & Naoki Michael Jeremy Potter
- DW2 [35]: Elisse Coretta Potter (née Fey, formerly Quigg)
{- DW'sExH [35]: Oscar Mervyn Reynold Quigg}
- DW2'sDD [17]: Adrianna Jocelyn Quigg
- DW2'sDD [14]: Charlotte Elizabeth Quigg
- DD [exp]: Vivianne Ramona PotterDH'sDS [36]: Jack Alec Potter
- ExW [36]: Araminta Lorelei Quincey (formerly Potter)
- DS [11]: Tobias Joel Wiley Potter "Toby"
- DD [10]: Ella Cornelia Potter
- DD [5]: Felicity Lorelei Potter "Fliss"
- DF [38]: Anaïs Gaëlle Bonnaire (formerly Lacroix)
{- DF'sExH [37]: Clément Thierry Lacroix}
- DF'sDD/DS [15]: Fleur Bernadette Lacroix & Louis Thierry Lacroix
- DF'sDD [10]: Éliane Geneviève Lacroix
- DF'sDD [9]: Aurélie Tiphaine LacroixRose & Alec
Alec & Cornelia; Tim, Leo, Vincent, and Jack
Leo & Lisbet
Lisbet & Nikolaj; Mathilde
Lisbet & Stelian; Sabina and Antoniu & Joachim
Sabina & Dean; Dex and Tegan & Zebula & Onyx
Antoniu & Faith; Noel & Romeo
Lisbet & Wesley; Frankie
Vincent & Hina; Ayumi & Naoki
Vincent & Elisse; exp Vivianne
Elisse & Oscar; Adrianna and Charlotte
Jack & Araminta; Toby, Ella, and Fliss
Jack & Anaïs
Anaïs & Clément; Fleur & Louis, Éliane, and Aurélie***DD2 [Viola, 68]Viola***DD3 [Ariadne, 62]:
DH [63]: Otto Hadley AppletonDD [36]: Mabelle Almina Lockwood-Knox
- ExSO [36]: Benedict Lucas William St John Friswell
- DS [18]: Hadley Gabriel Friswell
-- SO [17]: Sophia Lucie Church
- ExH [36]: Roland Albert Cecil Armitage
- DS [7]: Otis Cecil Armitage
- DS [5]: Rupert Harvey ArmitageDS [33]: Augustine Hadley Luke Wyszyński (née Lockwood-Knox)
- DH [32]: Filip Błażej Wyszyński
- ADS [2]: Rafał Mirosław WyszyńskiDS [30]: Keith Otto Regis Lockwood-Knox
- ExW [32]: Genevieve Mairéad O'Connell
- DD [8]: Beatrix Cassandra Lockwood-Knox
- DD [7]: Odessa Henriette Lockwood-KnoxAriadne & Otto; Mabelle, Augustine, and Keith
Mabelle & Benedict; Hadley
Hadley & Sophia
Mabelle & Roland; Otis and Rupert
Augustine & Filip; Rafał
Keith & Genevieve; Beatrix and Odessa***DS1 [Morgan, dec]Morgan***LISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

This message was edited 3/26/2022, 12:09 PM

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