Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Augustine Maurice Prescott
DW [94] Susanna Harriot Prescott (nee Melvin)
DD1 [71] Aveline Rose Prescott
DD2 [68] Caroline Roxana Prescott
DD3 [62] Joanna Harriot Prescott
DS [dec] Hollis Augustine Danforth Prescott
Augustine & Susanna Prescott: Aveline, Caroline, Joanna, & Hollis Augustine
DD1 [71] Aveline Rose Potter (nee Prescott)
ExH [73] Leonard Basil Quentin Chambers
DD1 [47] Alice Rose Chambers
- ExH [50] Jordan Nicholas Krueger
-- DD [23] Clio Georgina Krueger
--- SO [22] Rudy Finnegan Augustus Yates
-- DS [21] Adrian Oliver Lucas Krueger
DD2 [40] Leslie Susanna Grace Chambers
- ExSO [45] George Seymour Strange
-- DS [19] Alexander Phineas Chambers-Strange
DS [39] Jonah Leonard Maurice Chambers
DH [64] Roderick Bryan Joseph Potter
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Jane Rhoda Bernice Carter}
DH’s DS1 [41] Collin Thomas Carter Potter
DH’s DS2 [39] Desmond Laurie Potter
- SO [52] Lisbet Elva Yvonne Randrup
{- SO’s ExSO1 [52] Christen Villads Branner}
-- SO’s DD1 [32] Beate Silje Randrup-Branner
{- SO’s ExH [53] Dumitru Miron Matei}
-- SO’s DD2 [25] Daria Michelle Katrine Newton (nee Matei)
--- DH [28] Matthew Stirling Newton
---- DS1 [3] Axel Maxen Newton
---- DD1/DD2/DS2 [nb] Amabella Tegan Newton “Amy”/ Brooklyn Novalea Newton/ Creed Lachlan Newton
-- SO’s DS1 [24] Anders Florian Petru Matei
--- DFiancée [25] Faith Cecilia Dray
---- DS1/DS2 [3] Alan Noel Matei/ Cristian Romeo Matei
-- SO’s DS2 [24] Aurel Luca Joachim Matei
{- SO’s ExSO2 [42] Wesley Adam Rodgers}
-- SO’s DD3 [13] Frances Melva Rodgers-Randrup
DH’s DS3 [38] Eugene Scott Potter “Scott”
- DW1 [dec] Terri Hina Potter (ne Hashimoto)
-- DS/DD1 [16] Ayumi Rhoda Madeline Potter/ Dillan Scott Kenji Potter
- DW2 [35] Victoria Elisse Potter (nee Lambert) “Tori”
{- DW’s ExH [35] Gordon Reynold Oscar Quigg}
-- DW2’s DD1 [17] Adrianna Mallory Quigg
-- DW’s DD2 [14] Charlotte Natasha Quigg
-- DD2 [exp] Aida Vivianne Potter
DH’s DS4 [36] Jonathan Roderick Potter “Jon”
- ExW [36] Lorelei Araminta Malone
-- DS [11] Lucas Bryan Wiley Potter
-- DD1 [10] Angelica Jane Potter
-- DD2 [5] Felicity Araminta Potter
- DFiancée [38] Laurene Anaïs Bonnaire
{- DFiancée’s ExH [37] Theirry Clément Lacroix}
-- DFiancée’s DD1/DS [15] Anne-Marie Fleur Lacroix/ Dylan Clément Lacroix “Dyl”
-- DFiancée’s DD2 [10] Coralie Geneviève Lacroix
-- DFiancée’s DD3 [9] Daphné Tiphaine Lacroix
Aveline Prescott & Leonard Basil Chambers: Alice, Leslie Susanna, & Jonah
Roderick Potter & Jane Rhoda Carter: Collin Thomas, Desmond, Scott, & Jon
Aveline & Roderick Potter
Alice Chambers & Jordan Krueger: Clio & Adrian
Clio Krueger & Rudy Finnegan Yates
Leslie Susanna Chambers & George Strange: Alexander
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Christen Branner: Beate
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Dumitru Matei: Daria Michelle, Anders Florian, & Aurel
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Wesley Rodgers: Frances
Desmond Potter & Lisbet Elva Randrup
Daria Michelle & Matthew Newton: Axel, Amy, Brooklyn, & Creed
Anders Florian Matei & Faith Dray: Alan & Cristian
Scott & Terri Potter: Ayumi & Dillan
Tori Potter & Gordon Reynold Quigg: Adrianna & Charlotte
Scott & Tori Potter: Aia
Jon Potter & Lorelei Malone: Lucas Bryan, Angelica, & Felicity
Laurene Bonnaire & Theirry Lacroix: Anne-Marie, Dyl, Coralie, & Daphné
Jon Potter & Laurene Bonnaire
DD2 [68] Caroline Roxana Prescott
Caroline Prescott
DD3 [62] Joanna Harriot Payne (nee Prescott)
DH [63] Hadley Oliver Payne
DD [36] Delia Harriot Payne
- ExSO [36] William Benedict Percival Lyons
-- DS1 [18] Oliver Christian Lyons-Payne
--- SO [17] Charline Mya Emerson
- ExH [36] Albert Norwood Roland Gladwin
-- DS2 [7] Guy Roland Gladwin
-- DS3 [5] Heath Bertram Gladwin
DS1 [33] Augustine Oliver George Sokal-Payne “Gust”
- DH [32] Seweryn Filip Sokal-Payne “Ryn”
-- ADS [2] Clayton Mirosław Sokal-Payne
DS2 [30] James Hadley Danforth Payne
- ExW [32] Deirdre Madeleine Spillane
-- DD1 [8] Aisling Mathilda Payne
-- DD2 [7] Fiadh Odessa Payne
Joanna & Hadley Payne: Delia, Gust, & James Hadley
Delia Payne & William Benedict Lyons: Oliver
Delia Payne & Albert Norwood Gladwin: Guy & Heath
Oliver Lyons-Payne & Charline Emerson
Gust & Ryn Sokal-Payne: Clayton
James Hadley Payne & Deirdre Spillane: Aisling & Fiadh
DS [dec] Hollis Augustine Danforth Prescott
Hollis Augustine Prescott
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
DW [94] Susanna Harriot Prescott (nee Melvin)
DD1 [71] Aveline Rose Prescott
DD2 [68] Caroline Roxana Prescott
DD3 [62] Joanna Harriot Prescott
DS [dec] Hollis Augustine Danforth Prescott
Augustine & Susanna Prescott: Aveline, Caroline, Joanna, & Hollis Augustine
DD1 [71] Aveline Rose Potter (nee Prescott)
ExH [73] Leonard Basil Quentin Chambers
DD1 [47] Alice Rose Chambers
- ExH [50] Jordan Nicholas Krueger
-- DD [23] Clio Georgina Krueger
--- SO [22] Rudy Finnegan Augustus Yates
-- DS [21] Adrian Oliver Lucas Krueger
DD2 [40] Leslie Susanna Grace Chambers
- ExSO [45] George Seymour Strange
-- DS [19] Alexander Phineas Chambers-Strange
DS [39] Jonah Leonard Maurice Chambers
DH [64] Roderick Bryan Joseph Potter
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Jane Rhoda Bernice Carter}
DH’s DS1 [41] Collin Thomas Carter Potter
DH’s DS2 [39] Desmond Laurie Potter
- SO [52] Lisbet Elva Yvonne Randrup
{- SO’s ExSO1 [52] Christen Villads Branner}
-- SO’s DD1 [32] Beate Silje Randrup-Branner
{- SO’s ExH [53] Dumitru Miron Matei}
-- SO’s DD2 [25] Daria Michelle Katrine Newton (nee Matei)
--- DH [28] Matthew Stirling Newton
---- DS1 [3] Axel Maxen Newton
---- DD1/DD2/DS2 [nb] Amabella Tegan Newton “Amy”/ Brooklyn Novalea Newton/ Creed Lachlan Newton
-- SO’s DS1 [24] Anders Florian Petru Matei
--- DFiancée [25] Faith Cecilia Dray
---- DS1/DS2 [3] Alan Noel Matei/ Cristian Romeo Matei
-- SO’s DS2 [24] Aurel Luca Joachim Matei
{- SO’s ExSO2 [42] Wesley Adam Rodgers}
-- SO’s DD3 [13] Frances Melva Rodgers-Randrup
DH’s DS3 [38] Eugene Scott Potter “Scott”
- DW1 [dec] Terri Hina Potter (ne Hashimoto)
-- DS/DD1 [16] Ayumi Rhoda Madeline Potter/ Dillan Scott Kenji Potter
- DW2 [35] Victoria Elisse Potter (nee Lambert) “Tori”
{- DW’s ExH [35] Gordon Reynold Oscar Quigg}
-- DW2’s DD1 [17] Adrianna Mallory Quigg
-- DW’s DD2 [14] Charlotte Natasha Quigg
-- DD2 [exp] Aida Vivianne Potter
DH’s DS4 [36] Jonathan Roderick Potter “Jon”
- ExW [36] Lorelei Araminta Malone
-- DS [11] Lucas Bryan Wiley Potter
-- DD1 [10] Angelica Jane Potter
-- DD2 [5] Felicity Araminta Potter
- DFiancée [38] Laurene Anaïs Bonnaire
{- DFiancée’s ExH [37] Theirry Clément Lacroix}
-- DFiancée’s DD1/DS [15] Anne-Marie Fleur Lacroix/ Dylan Clément Lacroix “Dyl”
-- DFiancée’s DD2 [10] Coralie Geneviève Lacroix
-- DFiancée’s DD3 [9] Daphné Tiphaine Lacroix
Aveline Prescott & Leonard Basil Chambers: Alice, Leslie Susanna, & Jonah
Roderick Potter & Jane Rhoda Carter: Collin Thomas, Desmond, Scott, & Jon
Aveline & Roderick Potter
Alice Chambers & Jordan Krueger: Clio & Adrian
Clio Krueger & Rudy Finnegan Yates
Leslie Susanna Chambers & George Strange: Alexander
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Christen Branner: Beate
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Dumitru Matei: Daria Michelle, Anders Florian, & Aurel
Lisbet Elva Randrup & Wesley Rodgers: Frances
Desmond Potter & Lisbet Elva Randrup
Daria Michelle & Matthew Newton: Axel, Amy, Brooklyn, & Creed
Anders Florian Matei & Faith Dray: Alan & Cristian
Scott & Terri Potter: Ayumi & Dillan
Tori Potter & Gordon Reynold Quigg: Adrianna & Charlotte
Scott & Tori Potter: Aia
Jon Potter & Lorelei Malone: Lucas Bryan, Angelica, & Felicity
Laurene Bonnaire & Theirry Lacroix: Anne-Marie, Dyl, Coralie, & Daphné
Jon Potter & Laurene Bonnaire
DD2 [68] Caroline Roxana Prescott
Caroline Prescott
DD3 [62] Joanna Harriot Payne (nee Prescott)
DH [63] Hadley Oliver Payne
DD [36] Delia Harriot Payne
- ExSO [36] William Benedict Percival Lyons
-- DS1 [18] Oliver Christian Lyons-Payne
--- SO [17] Charline Mya Emerson
- ExH [36] Albert Norwood Roland Gladwin
-- DS2 [7] Guy Roland Gladwin
-- DS3 [5] Heath Bertram Gladwin
DS1 [33] Augustine Oliver George Sokal-Payne “Gust”
- DH [32] Seweryn Filip Sokal-Payne “Ryn”
-- ADS [2] Clayton Mirosław Sokal-Payne
DS2 [30] James Hadley Danforth Payne
- ExW [32] Deirdre Madeleine Spillane
-- DD1 [8] Aisling Mathilda Payne
-- DD2 [7] Fiadh Odessa Payne
Joanna & Hadley Payne: Delia, Gust, & James Hadley
Delia Payne & William Benedict Lyons: Oliver
Delia Payne & Albert Norwood Gladwin: Guy & Heath
Oliver Lyons-Payne & Charline Emerson
Gust & Ryn Sokal-Payne: Clayton
James Hadley Payne & Deirdre Spillane: Aisling & Fiadh
DS [dec] Hollis Augustine Danforth Prescott
Hollis Augustine Prescott
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings