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Re: generation caf | 032622
DH[85]: Jacob Cyrus Olson
DW[77]: Genevieve Adele Horton-Olson
Jacob & Genevieve: Eric, Richard and Frederick
Grandkids: Amelia, Cameron, Lawrence, Elisabeth, Alice, Bella, Corinne and Julia DS[58]: Eric Graham Olson
DS[54]: Richard CarlRicky” Olson
DS[53]: Frederick HarrisFreddy” Olson
DS[58]: Eric Olson
-DW[57]: Bridget Grace Bowman-Olson
Eric & Bridget: Amelia and Cameron
Grandkids: Emmett, Jane, Georgia and Kate -DD[31]: Amelia Elizabeth Olson-Copeland
--DH[35]: Jonathan EdwardJon” Copeland
Jon & Amelia: Emmett, Jane and Georgia--DS[5]: Emmett Curtis Copeland
--DD[3]: Jane Adelaide Copeland
--DD[1]: Georgia Joanna Copeland -DS[25]: Cameron Gregory Olson
--xGF[26]: Valerie Fitzpatrick
Cameron & Valerie: Katherine --DS[1]: Katherine FaithKate” Olson
DS[54]: Ricky Olson
-DW[52]: Cecelia Laura May-Olson
Ricky & Cecelia: Lawrence, Elisabeth and Alice -DS[27]: Lawrence Olson
--DGF[25]: Margaret FrancesMaggie” Hawkins
{xBF[29]: Wesley JamesWes” Krause}
Wes & Maggie: Nora --DGF’sD[5]: Nora Christina Krause -DD[19]: Elisabeth Olson
-DD[12]: Alice Olson
DS[53]: Freddy Olson
-DW[53]: Mary Nora Drake-Olson
Freddy & Mary: Isabella, Corinne and Julia -DD[26]: Isabella VictoriaBella” Olson
--DFiance[29]: Matthew JosephMatt” Collins -DD[21]: Corinne Hazel Olson
-DD[14]: Julia Madeline Olson
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