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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] David John Prescott
DW [94] Susanna Thomasin [Lockwood] Prescott DD1 [71] Sarah Aveline Prescott
DD2 [68] Caroline Silvia Prescott
DD3 [62] Joanna Thomasin Prescott-Payne
DS [dec] Leo David Knightley PrescottDavid & Susanna; Sarah, Caroline, Joanna, and Leo~~~~~
DD1 [71] Sarah Aveline Prescott
ExH [73] Michael William Quentin ChambersSarah & Michael; Alice, Victoria, and Jonah DD1 [47] Alice Thomasin Chambers
- ExH [50] Nicholas Jordan Albright
-- DD [23] Lucy Joy Albright
--- SO [22] James Timothy Augustus Carney
-- DS [21] Daniel Adrian Lucas Albright “DanAlice & Nicholas; Lucy and Dan
Lucy & JamesDD2 [40] Victoria Susanna Grace Chambers
- ExSO [45] Frederick Linwood Coleman
-- DS [19] Alexander Brooks ColemanVictoria & Frederick; Alexander DS [39] Jonah Michael John ChambersDH [64] Peter Joseph Bryan Ellison
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Jane Margaret Cornelia [Carter] Ellison}Peter & Jane; Jacob, Ben, Simon, and Jonathan
Sarah & PeterDH’s DS1 [41] Jacob Thomas Carter EllisonDH’s DS2 [39] Bennett Jules Ellison “Ben
- SO [52] Karina Lisbet Yvonne Gerhardsen
{- SO’s ExSO1 [52] Nikolaj Malte Branner}
{- SO’s ExH [53] Stelian Dumitru Matei
{- SO’s ExSO2 [42] Adam George Foley}
-- SO’s DD1 [32] Mathilde Jessica Branner
-- SO’s DD2 [25] Sabina Amalie Vera [Matei] Newton
--- DH [28] Tyler Matthew NewtonTy
---- DS1 [3] Matei Dexter Newton
---- DD1/DD2/DS2 [nb] Amabella Tegan NewtonAmi” / Keira Delaney Newton / Lachlan Griffin Newton
-- SO’s DS1 [24] Oliver Antoniu Cosmin Matei
--- DFiancée [25] Elisa Faith Penner
---- DS1/DS2 [3] Noel Constantin Penner / Liam Valentine Penner
-- SO’s DS2 [24] Luca Jonas Valeriu Matei
-- SO’s DD3 [13] Saskia Margot Foley Karina & Nikolaj; Mathilde
Karina & Stelian; Sabina, Oliver, and Luca
Karina & Adam; Saskia
Ben & Karina
Sabina & Ty; Matei, Ami, Keira, and Lachlan
Oliver & Elisa; Noel and LiamDH’s DS3 [38] Simon Vincent Ellison
- DW1 [dec] Hina Matsubara
-- DD1/DS [16] Ayumi Margaret Madeline Ellison / Naoki Vincent Jeremy Ellison
- DW2 [35] Victoria Kristina Lambert
{- DW’s ExH [35] Gregory Peter Mervyn Emmet}
-- DW2’s DD1 [17] Jocelyn Davina EmmetJosie
-- DW’s DD2 [14] Abigail Charlotte EmmetAbby
-- DD2 [exp] Vivianne Leona EmmetViviSimon & Hina; Ayumi and Naoki
Victoria & Gregory; Josie and Abby
Simon & Victoria; ViviDH’s DS4 [36] Jonathan Peter Ellison
- ExW [36] Catherine Vera Quincey
-- DS [11] William Joseph Wiley Quincey
-- DD1 [10] Ella Jane Quincey
-- DD2 [5] Alexandra Catherine Quincey
- DFiancée [38] Noémie Anaïs Fortier
{- DFiancée’s ExH [37] Alexandre Thierry Pottier}
-- DFiancée’s DD1/DS [15] Emma Fleur Pottier / Dylan Thierry Pottier
-- DFiancée’s DD2 [10] Coralie Geneviève Pottier
-- DFiancée’s DD3 [9] Alexia Daphné PottierJonathan & Catherine; William, Ella, and Alexandra
Noémie & Alexandre; Emma, Dylan, Coralie, and Alexia
Jonathan & Noémie~~~~~
DD2 [68] Caroline Silvia Prescott~~~~~
DD3 [62] Joanna Thomasin Prescott-Payne
DH [63] Oliver Joseph PayneJoanna & Oliver; Lina, David, and Thomas DD [36] Paulina Thomasin Payne “Lina
- ExSO [36] Nicholas William Benedict Lucas Nelson
-- DS1 [18] Joseph Gabriel Nelson
--- SO [17] Sophia Elena Emerson
- ExH [36] William Aubrey Roland Armitage
-- DS2 [7] Silas Roland Armitage
-- DS3 [5] Paul Bertram ArmitageLina & Nicholas; Joseph
Lina & William; Silas and Paul
Joseph & Sophia DS1 [33] David Joseph Luke Payne
- DH [32] Filip Błażej Sokal
-- ADS [2] Garrett Ignacy Sokal-PayneDavid & Filip; GarrettDS2 [30] Thomas Oliver Knightley Payne
- ExW [32] Madeleine Sorcha O’Connell
-- DD1 [8] Aisling Beatrix Payne
-- DD2 [7] Saoirse Henriette PayneThomas & Madeleine; Aisling and Saoirse~~~~~
DS [dec] Leo David Knightley Prescott

This message was edited 3/26/2022, 10:36 AM

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