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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Barnaby Wilfred Harrison
DW [94] Thomasin Susanna LockwoodDD1 [71] Rose Lettice Harrison
DD2 [68] Frances Caroline Harrison
DD3 [62] Ariadne Susanna Harrison
DS [dec] Leo Barnaby Knightley Harrison~~~~~DD1 [71] Rose Lettice Harrison
ExH [73] Basil Quentin William ChambersDD1 [47] Celia Susanna Chambers
- ExH [50] Alexander Nicholas Albright
-- DD [23] Lucy Clio Albright
--- SO [22] Augustus Joseph Dominic Dayton
-- DS [21] Daniel Theo Peter AlbrightDD2 [40] Victoria Thomasin Willa Chambers
- ExSO [45] Frederick Seymour Jennings
-- DS [19] Alexander Phineas StrangeDS [39] Jonah Basil Wilfred ChambersDH [64] Harvey Alec Joseph Potter
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Jane Bernice Cornelia Carter}DH’s DS1 [41] Thomas Timothy Carter PotterDH’s DS2 [39] Laurie Desmond Potter
- SO [52] Edith Lisbet Frederikke Gerhardsen
{- SO’s ExSO1 [52] Nikolaj Svend Holgersen}
{- SO’s ExH [53] Miron Lazăr Vasilescu}
{- SO’s ExSO2 [42] Adam Martin Rodgers}
-- SO’s DD1 [32] Victoria Beate Holgersen
-- SO’s DD2 [25] Vera Sabina Katrine Valisescu
--- DH [28] Matthew Stirling Nigel
---- DS1 [3] Princeton Maxen Nigel
---- DD1/DD2/DS2 [nb] Delta Tegan Nigel & Keira Delaney Nigel & Shilo Griffin Nigel
-- SO’s DS1 [24] Florian Anders Antoniu Valisescu
--- DFiancée [25] Cecilia Faith Davison
---- DS1/DS2 [3] Constantin Ionel Valisescu & Cristian Emanuel Valisescu
-- SO’s DS2 [24] Jonas Joachim Valeriu Valisescu
-- SO’s DD3 [13] Margot Saskia RodgersDH’s DS3 [38] Simon Michael Potter
- DW1 [dec] Valerie Paula Hashimoto
-- DS/DD1 [16] Kate Bernice Madeline Potter & Dillan Michael Jeremy Potter
- DW2 [35] Victoria Coretta Lambert
{- DW’s ExH [35] Peter Gregory Reynold Quigg}
-- DW2’s DD1 [17] Rochelle Mallory Quigg
-- DW’s DD2 [14] Charlotte Joanna Quigg
-- DD2 [exp] Leona Ramona QuiggDH’s DS4 [36] Jack Harvey Potter
- ExW [36] Vera Lorelei Quincey
-- DS [11] William Alec Frederick Potter
-- DD1 [10] Ella Jane Potter
-- DD2 [5] Jean Lorelei Potter
- DFiancée [38] Anaïs Laurene Paris
{- DFiancée’s ExH [37] Valentin Clément Pottier}
-- DFiancée’s DD1/DS [15] Bernadette Amélia Pottier & Louis Clément Pottier
-- DFiancée’s DD2 [10] Adèle Coralie Éliane Erin Geneviève Nora
-- DFiancée’s DD3 [9] Daphné Stella Pottier~~~~~DD2 [68] Frances Caroline Harrison~~~~~DD3 [62] Ariadne Susanna Harrison
DH [63] Oliver Otto PayneDD [36] Delia Susanna Payne
- ExSO [36] Alistair Benedict William Lyons
-- DS1 [18] Otto Alexander Lyons
--- SO [17] Sophia Elena Burgess
- ExH [36] Roland Aubrey Cecil Armitage
-- DS2 [7] Valentine Cecil Armitage
-- DS3 [5] Edwin Harvey ArmitageDS1 [33] Barnaby Otto Daniel Payne
- DH [32] Seweryn Filip Wyszyński
-- ADS [2] Ignacy Rafał Payne-WyszyńskiDS2 [30] Thomas Oliver Knightley Payne
- ExW [32] Mairéad Sorcha Spillane
-- DD1 [8] Beatrix Mathilda Payne
-- DD2 [7] Isadora Saoirse Payne~~~~~DS [dec] Leo Barnaby Knightley Harrisonmasculine list:
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