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Re: Generation CAF #443
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] John Augustine Harrison
DW [94] Harriot Loveday {Pearce} HarrisonDD1 [71] Rose Henrietta {Harrison} Potter
DD2 [68] Viola Frances Harrison
DD3 [62] Alicia Loveday {Harrison} Appleton
DS1 [dec] Hollis John Danforth Harrison*DD1 [71] Rose Henrietta {Harrison} Potter
exH [73] Basil William Albert ChambersDD [47] Celia Loveday Chambers
- exH [50] Nicholas Ryan Krueger
- DD [23] Georgina Lucy Krueger
--- SO [22] Finnegan James Timothy Yates
- DS [21] Adrian Peter Lucas KruegerDD [40] Victoria Harriot Grace Chambers
- exSO [45] Sidney George Coleman
- DS [19] Alexander Vance ColemanDS [39] Jonah Basil Augustine ChambersDH [64] Ian Joel Harvey Potter
(--- DHsDW1 [dec] Jane Cornelia Marie Carter)DHsDS [41] Thomas Jacob Carter PotterDHsDS [39] Desmond Leonard Potter
- SO [52] Karina Frederikke Yvonne Gerhardsen
(--- SOsExSO1 [52] Svend Malte Branner)
(--- SosExH [53] Stelian Dumitru Matei)
(--- SOsExSO2 [42] Adam Randall Foley)
- SOsDD [32] Ina Silje Branner
- SOsDD [25] Daria Michelle Katrine {Matei} Newton
--- DH [28] Dean Stirling Newton
--- DS [3] Maxen Dexter Newton
--- DD [nb] Delta Laken Newton
--- DD [nb] Montrose Delaney Newton
--- DS [nb] Lachlan Griffin Newton
- SOsDS [24] Florian Antoniu Philip Matei
--- Df [25] Elisa Faith Penner
--- DS [3] Noel Everett Matei
--- DS [3] Cristian Lowell Matei
- SOsDS [24] Patrick Gustav Joachim Matei
- SOsDD [13] Margot Hilda FoleyDHsDS [38] Simon Eugene Potter
- DW [dec] Hina {Matsubara} Potter
- DS [16] Ayumi Cornelia Annalee Potter
- DS [16] Naoki Eugene Liam Potter
- DW [35] Carleigh Jerilyn {Fey} Potter
(--- DWsExH [35] Gordon Oscar Reynold Flowers)
- DWsDD [17] Davina Jocelyn Flowers
- DWsDD [14] Natasha Charlotte Flowers
- DD [exp] Leona Gillian PotterDHsDS [36] Jack Ian Potter
- exW [36] Elvina Lorelei Quincey
- DS [11] Rory Joel Stephan Potter
- DD [10] Angelica Jane Potter
- DD [5] Felicity Lorelei Potter
- Df [38] Noémie Marion Paris
(--- DfsExH [37] Thierry Valentin Guillet)
- DfsDD [15] Fleur Bernadette Guillet
- DfsDS [15] Louis Valentin Guillet
- DfsDD [10] Coralie Geneviève Guillet
- DfsDD [9] Stella Nicolette Guillet*DD2 [68] Viola Frances Harrison*DD3 [62] Alicia Loveday {Harrison} Appleton
DH [63] Oliver Reilly AppletonDD [36] Inez Loveday Appleton
- exSO [36] Alistair Percival St John Friswell
- DS [18] Reilly Gabriel Friswell
--- SO [17] Elena Charline Burgess
- exH [36] Roland Albert Cecil Armitage
- DS [7] Otis Cecil Armitage
- DS [5] Bertram Rupert ArmitageDS [33] John Reilly Daniel Appleton
- DH [32] Waldemar Seweryn Kotlarz
- ADS [2] Harlan Ignacy Appleton-KotlarzDS [30] Martin Oliver Danforth Appleton
- exW [32] Sorcha Jacqueline O'Connell
- DD [8] Cassandra Beatrix Appleton
- DD [7] Odessa Fiadh Appleton*DS1 [dec] Hollis John Danforth Harrison
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